125 Gallon 8 Month Birthday


Ive said it before, and Ill say it again...you have the most awesome tank I have ever seen. You could really charge admission for people to come and see it!!! After the pics from your 5 month anniv. I didnt think it could get any better, but you've proved me wrong! Congratulations and keep up the GREAT work!!!!


Nice Tank Greg, I'm wondering, how is your tank able to hold so many fish, aren't you afraid your system may have high bio-load. I also noticed you have acan lords, that need to be fed. With the Feeding of all your coral and fish do you think there is going to be a problem in the future. I know you have a mud filter (I have a large one on my system too), but I'm concerned that Kent Skimmer at best is an average skimmer. What is your plan if the mud filter, and kent skimmer can't keep up.


Looks nice. Couple points: (they're all my opinions, and please don't take offense)
Too many fish
Too much wild coral
Feather star??? ...
Other than that - it's very pretty.


kaotik, Thanks, tell you what if you're ever around I'll let you check it for free. :)
druluv, The kent skimmer is nothing great but does a much better job than I had originally thought. My water params stay very stable and yes I feed a lot. Along with the seperate refugium with macro I have about 250lbs or LR and about 160 lbs of LS. Honestly if I ever see any ill effects of these I will upgrade the skimmer which was my original plan but don't think is needed right now. As far as corals I'm growing everything including SPS very well, stuff is coloring more in my tank than others with the same pieces. The bioload has not really increased over the months but just changed like losing the flounder and dragon wrasse for the Blonde Naso. Also as I said above some fish will be moved down the road.
Tasha, thanks. I would be happy to accept a wow award.
Diadema, that's fine everyone has their opinions that's why we have forums.
As far as the fish, read post 1 and I really don't have any issues.
What wild coral are you talking about, I don't think that I have any wild SPS.
Feather star as said above have been successfully kept, as I also said I do not recommend anyone going out and getting one. Mine is accepting the food that I offer and is doing well so far, I also know of someone who has kept one for months.


ya the sand is so immaculate.... how do you do it
how do you like that plate coral? i was planning on buying one soon as soon as i can get my sand to stay clean


widowmaker, thanks for copying rather than cutting.
The sand stays pretty clean on it's own. I always have some sort of sandsifting Goby in there. I forgot to put it in my fish list but I have a Tiger Goby. Diamond Gobies are also very helpful to keep the sand moving. I go over the glass with a mag float every couple of days and use a kent scraper when I need but not that often.
Although I do have a very high bioload I'm able to keep my water params right where I want them. I've only done 2 water changes since I set the tank up.


ya i was thinking of getting one of those guys, my sand seems to have diatoms on it rather often.... i dont over feed, i have a powerhead pointed there, my nitrates are low. i need to get a water test done for ammonia thats the only other thing that could be causing it as i have 0 algae anywhere else but the sand


i only have test kits for trites trates and ph, guess i should take it in to have it looked at
i only use RO water so i dont think i have phosphates, what do i do if alkalinity is low? or phosphates are high for that matter


If you have phosphates they have phosphate removal pads you can put in your filter. If you have corals you probably have a low alk. You will have to dose something like alkality plus. I would take a sample to your LFS to check it out. You want your alk around 10-12 dkh.


What do you like to keep your water parameters at if you dont mind me asking. (what is your ideal water params?) What do you keep your temp and salinity at? Do you add cal? Sorry so many questions! your tank is gorgeous! I just want mine to mirror yours...only on a smaller scale.