125 gallon FOWLR project


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I recently scored a free 125 FW tank. This weekend I'm gonna build the stand a probably send the fish back to LFS. My original thoughts were to somehow connect it to my 29 gallon ecosystem refugium (algea scrubber) on my 65 reef. However, I've been told not to do that by my LFS guy. Nitrates being the issue. But.... I will have a DSB in the 125 as well as about 100lbs. of LR. (actually gonna use all base rock and seed it with my LR from my reef.) Also I dont plan on stocking it very heavily, maybe 8 to 10 fish if even that. I hadn't planned on drilling it or doing anything special with it as far as flow. Was planning on using another HOB power filter for filtration. I have a DIY skimmer that I believe will handle what I'm wanting to throw at it here. (It either is way overly effiecient or not effiecent at all
) I have allways had 0 trates in my reef, my cheato only grows when I shut the skimmer off for about a week. I currently run it 6 days off and 1 day on. It skimms like crazy for a while then doesnt hardly skim at all after a few hours. So I was just planning( and I hadn't figure out how exactly) On just something to tye them in together without much actuall flow between them. That I can disconnect if I want to from time to time.I thought maybe I'd do a small DIY overflow box with just like a 1/2 pvc pipe dumping into my fuge and then T ing off my existing supply pump for the return. With ball valves on each line. My logic here is that I dont need near the flow for my FOWLR and my mag 7 is throttled back now as it is. This will increase my flow through my fuge for my cheato and let me utilize my UV sterilizer (24 watt) and my skimmer for the FOWLR also. As well as more stable water conditions and when my RO unit gets here (in a few days) do my topping off on the fuge also.
My questions so far.
Does this seem like a viable plan?
Are there any red flags you see here?


Active Member
Hey Doc whats the good word?
There is umfortunatly a big risk in connecting 2 tanks and that is just cross contamination. If you have a problem in 1 than you'll have a problem in the other.
Also so I believe that even for a FOWLR tank you'll want 10x turnover to insure that the waste stays suspended in the water colum. Even with the Mag 7 and added head of shut offs and piping I just don't think you'll have enough flow.
Glad to hear the skimmer is working well but I think you MAY just overload your currant system and then problems will follow.......
JMO I would also reconsider the DSB.


Active Member
Hey Tim!
How goes it you're way? We just got pelted with a horrible ice storm. You can check it out in the aquarium.https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/248956/worst-ice-storm-ive-ever-seen
Cool... thanks for the help there. I've redone the skimmer you helped me with.
I used acrylic for the top and bottom plates instead of the 6 in fittings and heated and stretched the top plate so it's bowed up a little, plus it has a ball valve on the output side and a syphon break too. I like it! The acrylic was much cheaper than the 6" fittings.
So I just ordered a rena filstar3 canister filter, (350 gph)another HOB power filter Auquaclear 70,(100gph) and 2 maxijet 1200's.(295 gph) That outta do for filtration and flow I believe. :notsure: Plus it had a auqua clear 500(166gph) allready. 1206 GPH total. I may add a HOB skimmer later. :notsure:
I'll ditch the DSB and go with a 1in one but I'm not sure exactly why? :notsure:


Active Member
I hear ya on the weather . I have had over 50" of snow so far and finally seeing some melting. BUT I will take the snow over what you are dealing with. That just looks awful.
I would get a skimmer or make another for that FO tank. I hear the gentle stocking list but you just wait it will be filled with fish in a short time. All the HOB stuff will work but I know you'll keep an eye out to upgrade so no worries there.
Go with 2-1.5" of sand. Have had better luck at this depth. Ran a DSB for a while and it took up to much space for the benefit which I really didn't see any. I read an article that I will try and find for you but DSB's are the fad on the way out. Ther is just no proven upside and a large downside. Some think there the best thing going I just disagree. Your Call.
No worries before the year is out it will be a REEF. You'll find a deal on lights and you won't be able to help yourself

send me pics of the skimmer mod please.

Hows all them kids?


Active Member
Thanks Tim,
I know, theres no end to feeding the addiction is there! :hilarious We currentlt just have our son and 1 15 YO girl who we believe will age out with us. She's a pretty good kid and we like her alot. How's you'rs?
50 inches :scared: I saw you guys were getting it pretty bad out there and I wondered if you and you'rs were faring it well. The ice is just horrible. But its all gone now, just the aftermath to clean up. It'll take months I bet.
My RO/DI unit arrived today and i got some lumber to start building the stand.
Heres a couple i have of the skimmer. The fuge you see there is not the one I have now. It's a ecosystem 29 gallon, with miracle mud reguim. Still not sure if the MM is doing anything special, but I did read an article from Fenner where he stated it does work. But anyways who knows we'll see. Also theres some pics of the cabinets I finally finished next to the 65.
still need to replace the doors on the 65 cabinet.
I'll take any advise I can get and will go with a 1 1/2 - 2" SB like you said.
The filtration I have coming will just be to get me up and running for a while. Then my nephew will probably inheret it. I still have some 6" pvc left and plenty of acryllic so I'll probably do a skimmer out of that, I might lean on those big shoulders you got there for that one too.



Active Member
Ask away! Lets see those skimmer ideas!
It's 11:00 here and I just got the RO/DI up and running. Man that things sloooow. It's the sink version with the holding tank and faucet. I'll have to pipe it in and into my fuge for an ATO later.


Active Member
OK RODI isnt putting out very much water very fast.
Probably only about a quart an hour. So I guess I'll either have to try and boost the well pressur or get a booster pump for the RODI. Never fails , just my luck.
Started the stand build today. Here's some pics.



Active Member
Does anybody know if I can bypass the DI on my RODI,until I can get a booster pump, and if it would do any good. If so how would I do that?


Active Member
Here is the stand in my office with the 125 on it. FW fish went back to the LFS yesterday. Equipment is coming today. It'll need some cleaning and some baffles before ready to fill.The doors and stain on the stand will come later. 2 side doors will be removable probably as well as the 2 front-middle doors. Others will be hinged.


Active Member
Here's the tank with back painted, full of SW and circulating. The color on the back is Blue Ocean from the Laura ashley collection. I think its the perfect color. I still need to give it a second coat as you can see in the pic.


Active Member
Fish list.
Achilles tang

Red Sea Blonde Naso Tang
Flame angel
Foxface Rabbitfish
2 Bangaii Cardinalls
3 Blue Reef Chromis
Blackcap Basslet



Active Member
Here it is with 40lbs of aragonite sand and 20lbs of live aragonite sand. As well as 45lbs of base rock. I know it's not enough but the rest will come soon. I can tell you right now that the silicate sand will be coming out of the 65 reef and will be replaced with aragonite. The granule size is much more accomadating to flow.
I definitly think the aragonite is worth the money.
Thanks all for you'r compliments, I was begining to think there was no interest in this project. ***)
Scubaguy, come check it out whenever you want.
I may even have a few things to give you outta the 65 if you're interested.
My pulsing zenia needs a trim.
I've got some red zoanthids too that you might want a clipping of.


Active Member
Bronco, I thought the Z word would get you're attention. These are red skirt zoos' i got a pic floatin around here somewhere. :thinking: AAAHHH HERE YA GO! Wanna swap?
