125 gallon FOWLR project


Active Member
Pics close but still a little off. center is kinda a grey color. FAST growing.
Got lots of 'em. BTW my wife, whenever she wants to get my attention has learned to say "Fish" first.


Active Member
lol....ahhh my weakness....how it has been spread so quickly...haha....are they RED skirt, or Orange? they look pretty sweet, probably be up for a sway anyways, what are you looking for>?


Active Member
Scubaguy, YGM!

Bronco, well there kinda redish orange
I dunno But they are pretty nice and right now the only ones i really have to give. I can give you a pretty good frag of 'em if you want. I think i have a small rouge population of about 15- 20 that i need to remove from a large piece of LR. I'll have to frag it on a piece of rubble though. I KNOW you got some awesome zoos, just dont know what you'd be willing to swap.
Well crap!

It figures, I just checked outm you're tank diary thread and it looks like in post #339 first pic. You have what looks to be what I have. Shoulda known it.

How bout a 1/2 dollar size orange monti cap frag??? It's doing real well right now. I dont think I saw where you have one of those yet.
I would really love some of those blue zoos you have


Active Member
You got it Tim!
Send me an e-mail with you're addy!
Bronco the monti cap frag I'm talking about is actually larger than a 1/2 dollar. I'll get a pic.



Active Member
i would love to have a monti cap...but i hate sps frags...i think ive decided to stay with my zoos, any other zoos ya need to get loose of?


Active Member
Well crud!

I have a few but the colonies are still too small I think to frag. I dont think many of them compare to you'rs. And the ones that do I think you have some similar too.
The monti cap frag was a small( less than the size of a dime) piece that broke off my colony about 2 months ago. It is really kickin hiney growing right now. I didnt think it would even make it it was so small. But anyways...

These are SWEEEEET!


Active Member
thanks! my mushrooms are starting to cover them up, need to be careful so i dont get them killed...i love em! If ya ever get some new zoos look me up,haha...unless you have some other softie i might like


Active Member
The dang actinics are on now and my camera, while it does sometimes take good pics, dosent with just actinics. Everything just looks blue. These are pretty nice shrooms though. The pic does show there color pretty good but they are slightly a little bluer. They doo open up to a pretty good size also. They'll look SWEET in with you're zoos.


Active Member
Yes their sweet but I dont have very many of 'em.
And that one particular shroom wants to smother them so I'll be cuttin it loose soon. Probably just let it float around till it finds a new place to live.

Would you trade for this?