125 Reef Tank Build

veni vidi vici

Active Member
So far everything has adapted to there temp home and are doing fine,with the exception of one SPS that is STNing on me .But this sps has had to be fragged a couple of time since ive had it,dont know why its just been hard to keep.I hope to have all the rockwork done by this week end and ill let it sit for a few days before i add the stock back in.Just going to be cautious and keep an eye on the water quality.I plan on reusing my old sand and just adding it back a little bit at a time.Just in case.Its now in a separate storage bin and the water test good on ammonia,trates,trites.


Active Member
well bud just got done skimming(sorry hit that arguement so i passed over as well,haha)...but looks like you're doing an amazing job!!! I'm going to be getting those DJ strips as well, but i think a smaller version so i have less plugs per the same amp levels or something like that i forget...but anyways, have you tried them out and how do you like it(forgive me if i missed it)?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
well bud just got done skimming(sorry hit that arguement so i passed over as well,haha)...but looks like you're doing an amazing job!!! I'm going to be getting those DJ strips as well, but i think a smaller version so i have less plugs per the same amp levels or something like that i forget...but anyways, have you tried them out and how do you like it(forgive me if i missed it)?
Thanx ,
I havent tried them out yet but ,im kinda hoping for the best.If i have to add another though it wont be a big deal.I think ill be ok though.The only thing that concerns me is drawing to much power from one circuit breaker.I may have to add a dedicated.Im hoping not,but.......we shall see.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I have the center part of the foam/rock in place now to start working on the left and right.Im going to put all my existing rock in first though.I wanna make some bridges and caves coming off the left and right sides.I also have to make up some rock camouflage for the suction screens.
Its hard to get a good picture of the surface detail,but it looks awesome in person.


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by The Egregious
Looks awesome Vini. Can't wait to see the final product!

I may have to put livestock back into DT though.SPS arent looking so well so i may have to work around them .They have been living off indirect sunlight for a few days now, and the clock is ticking.


Looks like you made excellent progress this weekend! Everything is looking good, I know it is a process! I will be updating ours with some pictures later this evening. Guess our significant others got us modivated this weekend!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Well trish&dave and anyone else who has been following my build. Its Done!!

I have a few odds and end to tie up but for the most part the build is done.
I still have to get 50Lbs of dead rock in after i decide what im going to do with it ,and i have more sand to get in too.Im putting in a little bit of sand a day to try and keep a mini cycle from happening .
I was running out of time though, i lost 2 SPS last night to RTN so i had to get everything back into tank today.Ive been acclimating coral all day long and my fish are in the bucket now.I think they are more excited than me lol.
Here are a few shots.Ill post more when i get the rock work done to something a little more appealing .


You've done great Vini. I think we started our projects around the same time, you've definitly gained a lot of headway on me haha, looks great !


Looks great! Amazing what modivation can do for ya!
How is the CL doing? I am scared to turn mine on! I probably should have done it before the transfer, but after all that work, not sure if I am going to use it!
O well, at least it is set up.
I love those red zoos! Let me know if you ever frag them!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by trish&dave
Looks great! Amazing what modivation can do for ya!
How is the CL doing? I am scared to turn mine on! I probably should have done it before the transfer, but after all that work, not sure if I am going to use it!
O well, at least it is set up.
I love those red zoos! Let me know if you ever frag them!
Thanx everyone for the comments.The CL is amazing ,You gotta use the dart.You wont be sorry.


The tank looks great. Your stand and canopy look amazing. The rock wall looks great too.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
awesome! the rock/foam looks good!

Originally Posted by cmaxwell39

The tank looks great. Your stand and canopy look amazing. The rock wall looks great too.
Thank you,
Ill tell you something about the rock/foam wall.There is almost 50 lbs of rock on that wall and 2 cans of foam......it floats.I had to weight it down with more rock and wedge it under coast to coast.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Here are a few last shots before i move this finished tank build over to another forum.
Here are a few shots of my sump/fuge,and gravity feed 30 gallon top off tank.

The last of my Tuffa rock,about 50lbs.

A shot of my hidden coast to coast overflow.

A few shot of the tank.
