keith burn

Active Member
I'm sorry for your loss.

I hope all in well now.

I will be seting up my 125gal in a week or so.
I hope all will go well.
Will take it very slow.


Active Member
very nice tank, you have alot of the same fish in your tank as we do in our own 125!! how do your purple dottyback and sixline get along?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
In pic #4, in the bottom left, is that a colt or carnation coral? Your tank looks great

Hi puffer thanks,
in pic#4 bottom left there is a fiji finger coral, and a clove polyp colony. The clove is the more white colored and I didn't get a very good picture of it except in the background with the dottyback.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
very nice tank, you have alot of the same fish in your tank as we do in our own 125!! how do your purple dottyback and sixline get along?
Thanks Sean and Melly,
They get along great, the dottyback is full grown and was added after a small sixline(1.5"). Maybe that info will help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
Hi puffer thanks,
in pic#4 bottom left there is a fiji finger coral, and a clove polyp colony. The clove is the more white colored and I didn't get a very good picture of it except in the background with the dottyback.
About the fujii finger leather, I have something very similar, except it has a purplish stalk, same ttpe polops, I was told its a carnation, but I don't believe it is, maybe its a finger leather, heres a pic, what do you thin? Disdn't mean to hijack your thread, but have been wondering for a long time and your leather is the closest thing I have seen to it, except the color, its on le left hand side on first pic



Active Member
That does look similar Puffer, when i got mine it was very white and has been slowly turning the redish brown you see in my pics. It could be the very same thing, but I'd have to see a clearer close up of the polyps on yours to compare.


Active Member
I can't get a clearer shot, stupid cam, the closer i get on macro, the blurrier the pics get :notsure: I will try again though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Lets try these
I dont think so puffer, maybe closely related but the coral I have is not that shade of purple. The coloration in the stalks on my coral are only redish from the zooxanthellae, and I dont expect it to get much darker. Your's is very pretty though.