125G Reef Tank Build!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by chris17
Ok, I neep some help with this one. I may be able to get a Euro Reef RC500 or a RC250 for my tank for an unbeatable price (compared to what they sell for )
My question is, does anybody have any experiance with either of these 2 skimmers? They are used, and I am going to look at them tomorrow. The RC500 is rated for up to 500g and the RC250 for up to 250g. My tank is a 125 with a 55g sump, 180g total setup. It says that they can be in sump or out, and It will be out of sump on my setup. If I got the 500, then I would def. not have to worry about putting a good number of fish in the tank.
What do you all think?
Depending on the price i would take a look at the MSX skimmers.


I have considerd the MSX line, but want a free standing skimmer. I want as much room in my sump as posible, and will have plenty of room under the tank even with the 55g sump. I got a Precision Marine calcium reactor today for $250 and a 75g with built in corner overflow for $100. I am going to use it for my QT tank!
The reactor is used bt the guy said he had used it on a 240g system keeping SPS with no problems and it worked great.


Active Member
I understand. However myself, I'll never have anything but an in sump skimmer. Just one to many floods with them. I think that MSX recircs are coming soon. Remember that the Octopus IS the MSX skimmer. However there are a few different varieties of the octopus these days....


Wango, as far as lighting goes I am planning on getting a VHO retro kit. It has 2 160w bulbs running off a Icecap 660. I had thought about getting 2 400w MH, but don't want the heat issue considering I won't be running a chiller. I think I am going to go with 2 Icecap 250w MH retro kits with 20k XM bulbs and a Spiderlight Reflector. I might then get 2 14k bulbs a few months later for when I start adding my SPS. The 20k kit is cheaper, and I'm sure I will use the 20k bulbs at some point. As far as other equipment goes I alread have my return pump, a Reeflo Snapper External pump rated at 2500gph. I am also going to get the Reeflo Dart External pump that is rated for 3600gph which will be used for the CL.


Doc, I will check the Octo out. What is your overall water volume on your 135? What kind of lights do you have also.
Thanks for your input!
Veni, what skimmer are you running now?


Active Member
The display is a 135 Oceanic R.R.The filtration is a 29 gallon refugium and an converted ecosystem 29 I think it is sump. The eco system was my refugium on my 65. Then when I combined the two tanks, it became the sump for the 135.
My lighting is 2 250 w Ice cap retros with spider reflector and 10K XM SE bulbs. Using 4 T5HO, UVL's super actinics, driven by a workhorse ballast. Then 3 coralife blue LED (2 led's per) moonlights for night time. I like the look very much and my growth is really kicking in. I run my T5's for about 15 hrs. a day. Run the MH's 5 hours.
I have about 250 lbs of rock in the display, every compartment that can in the sump/fuge, I've got crammed with LRR.
6" Deep sand bed in the fuge. I estimate my actual water volume to be my display tank volume...135 gallons.
Current fish stocking is:
1 Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang
5 Green chromises
1 Black cap basslet
1 Longnose Butterfly
1 Mated pair of Bangaii Cardinals
1 Jawfish
I lost 3 fish during the recent tank move a couple months ago.


I got it from a place in indiana that is closeing its livestock shop/store. Sweet deals on tanks and some equipment. I also got that Precision Marine calcium reactor CR622 for $250 regular retail is $580.00!
It's rated for up to 500g
I will post pics of the tank and the reactor tomorrow.
Doc, I can't believe you have 250#s of lr in your system lol thats awsome. I am thinking of haveing a few more fish than you have. Here is a list of what I would like to get.
3-yellow tangs ( love them )
5-chromises ( not sure on green or another )
2-3 Bangaii cardinals
1-Lawnmower Blennies orange spotted
1 or 2 Black and White false percula
1 Yellow watchman shrimp goby
1 Chevron Tang ( maybe after everything is settled in )
Does anybody see a problem with haveing these fish together in the same tank?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by chris17
Doc, I will check the Octo out. What is your overall water volume on your 135? What kind of lights do you have also.
Thanks for your input!
Veni, what skimmer are you running now?
MSX160....It rocks


I am thinking I may go with the MSX 200. I think I will also place my heaters in the same chamber as the skimmer. I have been reading about the MSX and have found nothing but good reveiws. I really don't want to loose 13 1/2 inches of sump space, but don't really have another choice with this skimmer.


Wow it has been forever since I posted last! I have been crazy busy lately with work and I have only gotten a little more done on the stand. I got 1/2" foam and 1/2" plywood for the top and inside the stand cut last weekend. I also went broke buying about 90% of the plumbing parts I need.
I figured out I won't be able to use my 55g for the sump
I won't be able to get anything into it once its in the stand....I am going to get a 40g 36"L x 18" W and 13" T. I have decided on the MSX200 for my skimmer. I will post pics tommorow of my calcium reactor and the 75g RR since I don't have to work, thank god!


Here is the new 75g RR that I will be useing for my QT tank. I am going to use a Fluval FX5 Canister filter (empty/carbon) which will be hooked up to the corner overflow. It is rated for 925gph so I don't think I will need more flow since its just the QT tank.


Here is the calcium reactor I got. I have some time before I will need to set up this monster so getting the rest of the equipment for it is on the back burner for now.



Ok, I have been thinking about my sump setup and how everything is going to go. I am going to have a check valve on my return line right above my pump and was wondering if you all think I should still leave enough space for backwash? The only water that will be comeing back into the sump will be from my overflo since the return side will have the valve on it. I am considering a 50g long since it's only a few more bucks, the only thing is, it's only 13" T and the MSX200 needs 8-10" of water. That would give me 3" for any backwash, would that be enough? If not I could always get it made 15" tall instead


Active Member
I would not install the check valve. Relying on it not to fail is a mistake IMO.
Lots of things will grow in that line. And cause it to not seat.


I see, I did't think about it not seating right. Another thing, I am going to have my return line run over my tank and down to the bottom to help keep the area behind my rocks clean. How do I keep from siphoning a ton of water back to the sump? Would I just drill a small hole about 1/2" below the water surface on that line to break the siphon when the pump shuts off? right? Also, should I get the sump made 15" tall just to make sure I have plenty of extra room for backwash? Thanks Doc!


Anybody? Suggestions?
Anyway- I got the skin on the front of the stand done this weekend, but I forgot the camera
I got everything figured out for the doors, I am going to have 2 big doors on the front that way I can get the sump and equipment in and out easily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chris17
I see, I did't think about it not seating right. Another thing, I am going to have my return line run over my tank and down to the bottom to help keep the area behind my rocks clean. How do I keep from siphoning a ton of water back to the sump? Would I just drill a small hole about 1/2" below the water surface on that line to break the siphon when the pump shuts off? right? <<That is correct.>>Also, should I get the sump made 15" tall just to make sure I have plenty of extra room for backwash? I dont recall evertyhting in your setup right now, sorry, but I will say 15 inches should do, but it is a little on the low side.It depends on many different scenarios, like for one, the other dimensions of your sump or fuge. Refresh my memory, I have to many things going right now to go back through it all., sorry.Thanks Doc!