125G Reef Tank Build!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by chris17
Doc, I never really thought of that....
I wonder if there is a way to maybe slow it down when it is shuting..
like a spring thinga ma jigy or something lol
Veni, I wonder if the small dif in flow between your dart and my barracuda would make much of a dif? Can you see any dead spots in your tank at all or wish there was a little more flow in some areas? I have 2 returns on each end of the tank and the other 4 on the back for the CL. I don't have any faceing the back of the tank like the 2 you have in yours. Although, for the return pump I am going to run it's returns down into the tank to take care of any dead spots behind my LR.
I think no matter what unless you have a 2"return any reduction in pipe size is going to restrict flow some.The theory is the more returns the less restriction.After all you are going from a 2" pipe down to 3/4".
I have found that there isn't any part of my tank i cant get flow to with my eight outputs.As for the two returns i have in front of my tank,i don't even have to point them at the back wall,i have them pointing at the ends of the tank.The six returns i have on either end completely cover all areas so i use the 2 in the front to hit the sides and deflect to the back corners..lol if that makes any sense.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Here is some more info i dug up from a previous post elsewhere:
There are two elements that cause pressure requirements in your system; vertical lift and
“FRICTION LOSS”. Simply stated it is the pressure created by trying to squeeze large flows
through a narrow opening (think bar straw). There are two important aspects 1) It matters the
length of the narrow line (1” bar straw vs. 10” bar straw) and 2) Friction loss increases at an
increasing rate when either flow is increased or pipe is narrowed. The narrower the line the more
the pump has to work (think clogged ateries and your heart).
Minimize friction losses by using large diameter pipe. First determine the approximate flow rate
you want, and the total length of your pipe. The Friction Loss chart will allow you determine the
amount of extra “head pressure” will be added to your system due to the diameter of your piping.
(The size of the pump’s suction and discharge ports does not indicate your proper pipe size.)
Choose a pipe diameter that keeps your friction loss below about five feet per hundred feet of
pipe. Even if you have a section of small diameter pipe that you can’t change, as with a through
the wall fitting, it is still beneficial to use larger pipe on the majority of the run. It matter how much
wide pipe you use.Friction loss chart- The narrowness of the pipe increases friction loss in a
geometric manner.EXAMPLE: At 2700 gph using 1.5” instead of 1” pipe


Veni, Thanks for all the info! I would have never looked that far into it, I wouldn't have even known where to start. It all makes sense, tho I had to read it a few times

Doc, I might look into that... I drive a hatch back lol.... go figure....I will take a look later today, when it's light out.
Has anybody used the " live framing " method for aquascapeing? It's all put together with a pvc structure. I found a great article about it in a marine magazine. I am thinking of incorpirating it sum what into my system.... any comments/ suggestions/ experiance.......


So nobody has tried the " live framing " with pvc? I have seen it done with the acrylic rod but not the pvc.
Anyways.... is anybody useing black sand in their reef tanks? If so, any good or bad things I should know about it? I'm not sure if I will use it in my 125g or not...

I will get some pics tom of my progress today. I got the front of the canopy done but a few pieces of trim. All I need to do is put on the rest of the trim, hinges for the canopy, and hang the doors on the stand. After that, I stain and seal! Should have it in the house by christmas, with water!
Can't wait! What does everybody use to paint and seal the inside of your canopies? White, that is...


Would 2 300w Finnex TH Titanium Heaters with the HC800U Controller be a good choice? That would be 4.8 watts per gallon.... anybody useing them or suggest another brand?


Ok.... No pvc "live reef" out there? No black sand in a reef tank, and nobody uses those brand heaters....
Ok, well can't win them all lol I will have updates and some pictures of the progress from last weekend and this week. It's getting closer to being done and thats all that matters.... Oh, Happy Turkey Day everyone!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Im going to get a few Finnex Ti heater when i need new ones .I havent heard anything bad about them.When ya gonna post some progress pics?


I thought I was keeping up on a thread that nobody was even interested in there for a second...
Updates/ pictures later tonight. I am going to work on it now
I think I will add the heaters to my equip. list for good, I haven't seen anything bad about them... yet.... I will take some more pictures while I am there and I will take some when I get home. I got the back and bottom of my 75g painted black, not too bad either, even though it got bombed by bird poo
cuz I left it outside for 1 day lol oh well, what can you do. New note to self, paint and cover ASAP if not bringing straight inside lol
Updates/pictures soon!


Your too fast, I am still resizeing all the pictures....
I am going to put a very thin layer of sand and a rock or two in the tank. I will be posting the rest here in a few minutes.


I got all the trim on the canopy today and the hinges on. It works great, but it's heavy.... I am looking into getting 2 gas shocks rated for 120#s each. That should do the trick to help open and close it. I got my rubbermaid sump together, put the bulkhead in and connected my snapper to it. Here are a few pics....



I also got one of my famous dj power strips in place. The other will go on the other side of the stand in the same spot. Here are a few more pics....


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Sweet !Chris looks great.If i where to make one suggestion though ,that would be to change your output to 2" as far as you can.I've talked to a lot of people while doing my biuld and it helps to reduce head loss.I forget all the whys and how comes,but they surely knew what they where talking about.I can point you to the thread if your interested.


I also got some gasket material from HD and made gaskets for the outside of all my bulkheads, just to make sure. I have not set any of the plumbing yet, I am still getting it all worked out. I got a 5' section of spa flex, but it's very rigid. Anybody useing spa flex? If so, how did you get it to bend the way you want it to? It's really stiff and rigid and imposible to bend the way I want it. I can bend it but it puts alot of pressure/force on my overflow pvc fittings....


I forgot about that lol I will look at it in the morning and see what I can do. I only have everything dry fitted together so I can change it around.
I forgot, how do you connect the spa flex to the pvc fittings? Do you just put it together like normal pvc pipe and use the pvc cleaner and glue? Or do you have to get a " hose " slip fitting. That make sense?


Anybody usein the spa flex? No updates ton, I didn't get crap done today
should have doors on tomorrow.


Active Member
I've used the spa flex some, not really happy with it either. I can heat and bend PVC pipe, but cant do squat with the spa flex. It does work OK if you have direct shot to were your going with it. It also does make you have to have nice gradual bends in it. It's just more streamlined to use hard pipe and oversizing it, using 45's only and doing a good thermal bend when possible. I just primed and glued the spa flex into a coupling equally sized. Or any female fitting same size works well.Of course you could use 45's etc with the spa flex if you wanted to, but heating and bending it doesn't work very well. Because it has the hard spiral band in it.