130 Gallon tank build. Few cycle questions and where to go from here.

Black sand black background 130ish gallon system with overflow and 1 inch return pvc. protein skimmer in the wet/dry along with the heater once i get a new one. Right now there is a mated pair or percula clowns,and there long finger anemone(not taking the move well at all
) Yellow tang, niger trigger,blue damsel, fire clam i think and some cleaner fellas
we use t5 nova extreme lighting. i have tp get a bigger one or get another smaller one but im waiting for the funds for that ha ha. Picturs look like that cause i cover the flash cause i dont like how they look with a flash

small triggers

Active Member
if you are gonna build a canopy, just buy a cheap set of T5HO lights to add to your current set, thats my personal (and less expensive) opinion
Originally Posted by small triggers
if you are gonna build a canopy, just buy a cheap set of T5HO lights to add to your current set, thats my personal (and less expensive) opinion
I was planing on building a matching canopy. I figured i would most likely just buy another nova extream and use both. Its on my yet extensive to do list lol.