14 Gallons of Fury: A Nano Diary


Active Member
nice looking tank so far.
As for seahorses, There is only one species that I would suggest for that size tank, (H Fuscus). and even then its a stretch. Its too big for dwarfs and way to small for erectus or Reidi. Temps also are a factor for horses and you would need a chiller.


Ha! No need to say sorry. More post = more people bumping thread! haha!
Anyway...my tank is COVERED in the Diatom Bloom...Did a 20% water change last night, levels are perfect...but, I know this is part of the process...Does it have to look so ugly though?


Active Member
that as well. but i have had sucess with the ceriths more idk why
and i just started adding some cal and alk to my tank. now the sps better grow! sorry for the hijack


Active Member
I have this same tank. Question. Okay on the left side in the back where it has the clear part that says maximum and minimum water levels? When i filled my tank up originally it was at the upper middle level. Then, a couple hours later I went back to look at it and the water level in the third chamber was all the way to the top, like the same level as in the main part of the tank. Is that bad? And how do you correct this? What level is your tank at? Thanks!


as far as the water levels go, you probably have too much water in your tank...just take a a drinking glass and bail out some water.
I am going to buy some Reef Roids today at some point...I am scared for my Gorgonian and I want it to live for a long time.
My crabs I bought ate like crazy the first night, then now they just lay around. The snails haven't moved, these TURBO snails are really living up to there name, lol.
Tonight I will post pictures of my "Brown alge" filled tank...


Let me preface this by saying....I couldn't get a good picture of my tank, before I cleaned off all the brown alge. I took a turkey baster and cleaned off 80-90% of it. I also noticed alge on my Gorgonian, so I took a soft bristle toothbrush and lightly scrubbed all the branches. Looks nice and yellow now...Picture time!
Tank Shot

Clean Gorgonian

Close Up on the "Great Gorgonian Protector"

This is a bonus for me actually....I got my test kit when I got my Crabs/Snails and couldn't get a good shot of my levels...the following pictures still arent the best...but here you go anyway!
Nitrate Level (So yellow...)

Phosphate Level (Closer to 0.0 than it looks.)



I was cracking up when I picked the Gorgonian up to clean it...the crab was trying to fight my finger...he meant business.
Headed off to the LFS to pick up a few things:
- Calcium Supplements:
My levels are fine but, I don't want to be caught with my pants down...any thoughts on this...I know I have read mixed things.
- Reef Roids:
My Gorgonian needs food...since its the only thing worth anything in my tank, figured why not feed it.

- Sandsifters:
Need some good recommendations...Seahorse friendly...just in-case I go that route.
This tank seems too easy...am I missing anything?


@ meowzer or anyone with Seahorse knowledge
I was looking over the Seahorse compatibility chart in the Seahorse forum, and I wanted to ask you if you would keep a Seahorse with a Yellow Gorgonian.
The chart says that the Gorg. is a threat level 4. I disagree with the logic that makes them "competitors for food." But, I can stand behind that fact that spot feedings + Seahorse feedings = dirty water. I know that the Gorg. is a filter feeder and it sounds like it would thrive with a Seahorse, unless the polyps physical hurt the Seahorse when it latches on.
Can you shine some light on the topic?


A lot of people keep horses and gorgs....I never noticed it said that...I had a yellow and a red, I believe Teresa Q also has Gorgs with hers, and as I said...a lot of others do too
must be a misprint.....IDK


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
A lot of people keep horses and gorgs....I never noticed it said that...I had a yellow and a red, I believe Teresa Q also has Gorgs with hers, and as I said...a lot of others do too
must be a misprint.....IDK
That one is a level 4 because of it poor survival rate, not that it competes for food or will harm horses. Also hard on water quality.
You do know that a 14 gal is too small for most lrg species of horses. 30 gal and up. The only one is H Fuscus and 14 gal is pushing it.