15 gallon frag tank!


new round of testing today ! took a pic of the results tell me if you think i'm close!
amm .25-0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 0-5.0ppm
and if someone could help me out i for got the order the cycle goes is it amm, trates, trites
well heres the pic!


well from my understanding you really need to have live sand and some kinda Biofiltration! and you need to cycle the tank befor you can put any corals in there! so live sand LR help in cycle! and fish just because i can! can you give me a good reaon not to? pretty much every frag tank i have seen on this site has LS and LR ! and fish as well!
SO WHY IS IT THAT YOU ASK? "smokinreefer"
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
well from my understanding you really need to have live sand and some kinda Biofiltration! and you need to cycle the tank befor you can put any corals in there! so live sand LR help in cycle! and fish just because i can! can you give me a good reaon not to? pretty much every frag tank i have seen on this site has LS and LR ! and fish as well!
SO WHY IS IT THAT YOU ASK? "smokinreefer"

I would put it all in a sump. Is everything exciting? You put an exclamation point behind every sentence. Or is that your way of proving a point? I never said I knew what I was talking about, I was just asking questions.


smokin i put explanation points after everything because i feel that periods are boring and lame. Or maybe because i didn't pass basic grammar class who knows. also on the 15 there is no sump to put the sand and rock. read befor you speak.

and rebel thank you very much your the man. so you think that because i waited a few days befor my first test i might have missed tires and trates?


Active Member
frak I was wrong...
Thought sure trites were first and then those turned to ammonia.. oh well you know they all gonna come at some point!!
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
smokin i put explanation points after everything because i feel that periods are boring and lame. Or maybe because i didn't pass basic grammar class who knows. also on the 15 there is no sump to put the sand and rock. read befor you speak.

where did you mention that?


Active Member
People give me s*&^ all the time because my "frag tank" has LS,LR and fish
I like it !!! heres to frag tanks that look like reef tanks


tested again today! and nothing has changed at all! UGH!!

like i said befor this is gonna take forever!
take alook here are the test results!