150 agressive fish options


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
-yellowhead eel
-volitan lion
-harliquin tusk or another lion if you want
-bluethroat trigger or niger(niger will grow a little more bigger and a blue throat is the nicest trigger of all)
-another eel (got any suggestions? Maybe a zebra?)
or if you drop the extra eel, you could get another wrasse or trigger or lion?


probably would go for another lion and for....a zebra moray, white eyed, or maybe goldentail.
also would those fish be compatible with a moorish idol?


Active Member
a goldentail is probably my favorite eel!! They are so colorful and so tamed. I would have too reject the moorish idle, they are a very very very hard fish to care for, it can be done but may the foce be with you on that fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by DAVE_15
probably would go for another lion and for....a zebra moray, white eyed, or maybe goldentail.
also would those fish be compatible with a moorish idol?
moorish idols never ever do good in captive tanks just my 2 cents


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
a goldentail is probably my favorite eel!! They are so colorful and so tamed. I would have too reject the moorish idle, they are a very very very hard fish to care for, it can be done but may the foce be with you on that fish

you beat me to it


how about i start with
1 yellowhead
1 lion (volitian or radiata....which ones better?)
1 niger trigger
if everything goes ok then maybe
1 zebra, white eyed or goldentail
1 more lion
1 blue throat
i would really love to try moorish idols i love challenging fish


Active Member
everything seems ok, i would drop of one trigger and add a harliquin tusk,very beautiful fish!. If you want the challenge, make sure your tank is established(at least a year) have no agressive fish(the trigger will have to go) and make sure you have some live foods on hand incase it dont take the dead food. So you still want the idle? :notsure:


Active Member
just remember the moorish idle is a very very peaceful fish and does better in groups of its own. If you have a fish that chases other fish i wouldn't get the moorish idle


yeah thanks...im also thinkin if i should get 1 lion or 2...would it be enough swimming space for them to swim...would they be agressive towards eachother?


Active Member
lions tend to get along there should be enough but i wouldn't get 2 volitans maybe a volitan and a dwarf? Up to u


humm....a niger trigger will get way to big for ur tank, a bluethroat trigger would be really nice with ur lions, and add alot of color u wont have. u could go with a pair, that would be really cool


Originally Posted by Cartman101
yeah schulace is obsessed with bluethroat triggers aren't you
