150 Fowlr



how does this stock list sound for a 150 g FOWLR?
naso tang
yellow tang
flame angel
maroon clown
purple tang
emperor angel
blurthroat trigger
niger trigger
huma trigger
maybe a Volitan and/or sailfin tang or a couple butterflys?


Looks good but down the road the naso will get a little big(Will take awhile though). The triggers will fight at some point. I would trade 2 of the triggers in for a wrasse of some sort and a snowflake eel.


that looks like way too much to me. 3-4 tangs, a full-size angel, and 3 triggers isn't realistic to keep in a 150, imo.


you really think the 2 triggers will fight? what about just the huma and bluethroat?
what kind of wrasse should i get?
would the lion be bothered by the triggers?


Active Member
With a trigger in the tank and a puffer the lion is a no go . Both are known to nip at the fins of lions . also butterflys are kinda picky eaters and like to have lots of live rock to graze in . also the Humu humu can be iffy and is on the boarder line as far as triggers go . It could be peacful or it could go postal . Its a 50/50 with it .


would i have a problem with the emperor/queen angel and the lionfish (nipping)


Active Member
Saltman - here are my thoughts about your stocklist.
naso tang - great fish, love mine. In due time they WILL outgrow your tank and you will need to upgrade (period). Also a very docile fish. Need to ensure this guy is eating very well when you put the new guys in.
yellow tang - never been a big fan of them as they tend to be very volitile. If they are whacky then you have an issue and they will abuse a lot of fish on your list.
flame angel - Cool fish, but does not fit with the aggressive fish you have listed. Your Large angel will abuse this little guy in small quarters
maroon clown - Tend to be VERY VERY VERY territorial and could be an issue when it is 5"
purple tang - Great color, but has the same issue as the yellow above
emperor angel - My favorite fish of all time. Very bold and will not take lightly to new comers. Your 150 will be fine till he gets to be around 9" (the size of mine) and you will have to get a bigger home. In small quarters he will nip at all your fish to show his dominance.
bluethroat trigger - Sweet fish, IMO - I would get a pair of these guys and scratch the Huma Huma
niger trigger - Mine is a sweetheart. IMO you need to get this guy last and it needs to be the smallest fish. This will also be the largest fish in the tank when fully grown (18")
huma trigger - cool fish, but tend to go postal eventually. I have seen them in home aquariums and in the wild the size of a rugby ball, and let me tell you, when they are hungary you dont want to be anywhere near them.
maybe a Volitan and/or sailfin tang or a couple butterflys? Love lions, but I think that the emperor would nip at it and there would be a dead emperor and dead lion. Salfin tang will fight with the yellow tang. Butterflys would be the best bet. You could add 2 pakistan or raccoon butterflys.
All in all, your 150 should suffice for a couple of years. After that with the fish that you have chosen you will be looking at needing a 300+.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
Why not continue your trend and just add these guys to your 75 with your Naso?

Talk about a low blow...

The stock list CCambell gave you sounds like a pretty good start to me. I would go with that and then look into saving up for the next big tank haha.


Whitey- i am not sure what your miss understanding here. my naso tang is currently in a 75 because hes only 2-3inches. he is eating and is doing great.


Here is what i have in my 210 fowlr with great results if it helps
emperor angel
flame angel
yellow tang
purple tang
sailfin tang
powder blue tang
tomini tang
scopas tang
harlequin wrasse
porky puffer
v-tail grouper
pearlscale butterfly
niger trigger


wow thanks 2batrigger. that really does help.
do you ever have a problem with the emperor and flame?
how about all those tangs?
do you have pictures of this tank?..if you do..i would greatly appreciate it.


Originally Posted by Saltman23
wow thanks 2batrigger. that really does help.
do you ever have a problem with the emperor and flame?
how about all those tangs?
do you have pictures of this tank?..if you do..i would greatly appreciate it.
I don't own digital camera and i just got the computer last year. Still don't have cable tv as i refuse to pay for tv and my internet is dialup. I'll get with times soon. I researched and the emp and flame are fine together. The flame is nearly full grown and the emp is 4" and still sporting it's juv. coloration but so far no problems. I owned all these fish in smaller tanks, except the scopas, before they went into the 210. When i added them it was over the course of a couple of days and i added more rock as i added them. All the filters where seasoned on the other tanks. All the tangs have made a school and get along fine. The tomini was trying to rule the first week or so but after the pearlscale gave it what for it has gotten with the program. One thing that has been surprising is that food certain fish wouldn't eat before they now do. They seem to have gotten jealous of what other were eatting and it almost seems sometimes just out of spite they'll eat what they never did. I did forget there is a niger trigger too i though i was missing something when i posted what i had.


wow..sounds like you have a really nice set up there. how many pounds of live rock?


It is a really nice setup. I have had alot of michigan reefer people over buying, selling and trading equip, frags and such. Everyone including myself to be honest is amazed. The harlequin will rip silverside from my fingers as well as the sailfin will rip algae sheets from my hand. The puffer is like a dog. The pearlscale just swims back and forth looking good , the tangs school. The v-tail dashes around from spot to spot. ya if you have not gotten the tank i would suggest going bigger. The price difference in my area atleast it only made sense to go the 210 from all glass aquariums. I was going to go 125 then 150 then said well 180 makes more sense then i was like well for only this little more i can have 210 so that where i am at. I have about 200lbs of rock.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist ,I presently have a 150 gallon aquarium which is the home to 12 fish which include:
A Queen Angel fish 7"
A Harlequin Tusk 6.5"
A Yellow Tang 4"
A Clown Tang 5.5"
A Hippo Tang 3.5"
A Blond Naso Tang 6"
A Corris Wrasse 5"
A Royal Gamma 2.5"
A Cleaner Wrasse 2"
2 Green Chomis' 2"
A Blue Orange tailed damsel and a Coral banded shrimp ,both at 2.5".
The Queen is the boss of the tank . Nobody bothers the Queen .........