saltman, not to bash but did you say you have previous experience with freshwater tanks? If so, you have to understand marine tanks are very different. I had 20 years of keeping freshwater prior to my first salt tank, and had a 150 with 11 large cichlids that were all 10" plus, with no water quality issues, to try to replicate this in a marine tank would be certain disaster. when I started my 220 fish only tank, and slowly added my current 8 fish, it looked empty and I really didnt like it. Now after 18 mos, and my 2 volitans pushing 10-12" I couldnt imagine them in a 18" wide 150. Many of the fish you list would barely be able to turn around in your tank at their adult size, if they were to survive that long. A list like yours is not an issue if you were going to a 240 or larger within the next 18 mos, but many time upgrades get pushed back etc. Start by picking the fish you consider a must have, I would cut most of the tangs from the list.
Emporer angel
Blue Jaw trigger (possibly pair)
Purple tang
Snowflake eel
Maroon Clown
then add your small naso, these fish don't grow remarkably fast, so by the time they reach adult size, in a couple of years, you will be able to upgrade, puffers and lions will grow at a much faster rate, accelerating your problems.
This concludes my long winded post