150 Gallon in-wall build


Originally Posted by DEE77
that tank is sick
how much did you pay for that set up besides the fish
The tank itself wasn't that much, maybe $300.
2 Fluval FX5's ~$350 each
2 Rio pumps ~$50 each
Heater $50
Protein Skimmer ~$100
RODI System plus 45 gallon bucket ~$200
400W PC lights w/moonlights (to be upgraded) ~$350
About 150-200 punds of live sand ~$150-$200
About 200 pounds of live rock (no idea what I paid - bought over a couple of years) but probably average about $5/pound
Then there are all the corals anywhere from $10-$100 per
Plus the cost of building the stand ???


Here are some updated pics. I added a Rose Bubble tip anemone, a Blue Spotted Jawfish, Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse and a Dragon Goby. I couldn't get good pictures of the fish, but I took a close up of the anemone.
I also just ordered (from another site) a Dussimer Tang, Blue Eyed Kole Tang, another Maroon Clownfish, a Pistol shrimp for my Yellow Goby (the one I ordered from this site didn't make it through the acclimation period), and some more cleaner crew.



Have you had any issues with the FX5's? I had two of them that got super loud a few months into operation. Hagen replaced them both twice and said it was impeller issues. I finally got tired of it since I was on my fourth and hagen refunded my money and paid for all shipping cost.


Originally Posted by GWhunter
Have you had any issues with the FX5's? I had two of them that got super loud a few months into operation. Hagen replaced them both twice and said it was impeller issues. I finally got tired of it since I was on my fourth and hagen refunded my money and paid for all shipping cost.
I have had them for about 3 years and the only problem I had was when one stopped working. When I opened up the pump, a baby snail was stuck in the impeller. Got him out and haven't had any other problems. They work great and quiet too. I originally bought them because of my old setup which would not have allowed for a sump. If I was starting from scratch with this in-wall build, I would have done a sump instead.