155 bowfront


well since everyone was very helpfull on my last thread i guess ill try it again. im gettin ready to start a 155 reef tank and i need some suggestions on lighting and filtering,i have a sump with bio wheel and protien skimmer but do u think i need a can filter too, wanna make sure i do it right this time, had a 55 awhile back and i was lacking alot of knowledge.


For lighting on a tank that size I would suggest Metal Halide...expensive, but you will have no limitations on what you can keep...
If you have a sump, why do you think you need a canister? how big is the sump?
I'd also ditch the bio wheel (Just my opinion)


so do you think 4 96w t5's would be enough? the bio wheel is in the sump and im going to add on to it with another tank so ill have dripp filter then bio wheel then live rock then protien skimmer and then pump. thought maybe adding a can filter couldnt hurt. this might be a dumb question but whats the difference between a pump and a powerhead?


Active Member
I dont think there are 96w T5's I think you mean PC's. PC's do not produce the same amount of PAR as T5's or Halides. depending on what you want to keep look into T5's or Halides. If the tank will/has a canopy then you dont have to buy a fixture and you can retrofit the components into the canopy. HTH


Active Member
as for the filtration. are you saying that you are using a hang on the back filter? Or do you have the filter underneath the tank? If underneath then you are referring to bio-balls. If you want, you can replace the Bio-balls with Live rock rubble.
A pump moves water from the sump/filter and pumps it back into the DT. a PH sits inside the DT and circulates water within it. there are some that are used as both, but this is in general.


yeah i knew what each did but they seemed like the same thing just dif name depending where you put them. yes i just biult my stand and canopy and plan on mounting lights inside canopy. i just saw 98w t5s somewhere else(i know the rules) they were 36'' long with 2 96w t5s in each housing.so if i go reef ill be doomed with t5s. do i have to go mh and t5?


and for filtration i have a sump with bio wheel but im leaving bio wheel and adding live rock to the sump also,with protien skimmer.