1st anemone


I just got a bubble tip for my clown and was wondering how long till its finds its "spot"
and then how long till I know that the clown will host or not? The anemone is in a crappy spot right now so I hope it keeps movin so we can see it atleast!


Active Member
Unfortunately the answers to both questions is you will know it when you see it.
On the anemone, lighting, flow etc. are all things it will consider in its quest to find its spot. Then if something changes down the road it may just up and move again. No guarantees here.
On the fish hosting in it, may never happen. All depends on what the fish wants to do. It may decide it likes something else better.


Thanks but my clown has no choice I don't have anything else for it I just got the bubble tip and some zoos yesterday my first coral!


Active Member
Ha! Clowns will host power heads, zoas, xenia, magent cleaners. Truly no rhyme nor reason to them. Just when you think something in this hobby has no choice is when you get your surprise!


Active Member
YUP! Don't get discouraged though, like I said you never know what will happen. Then anemone may settle down, the clown may find it and viola!
So now on to the questions.
What kind of clownfish?
What kind of anemone?
What size tank?
What is your lighting?
How long has the tank been up?


Active Member
Sorry to say but your Dual Satellite will probably not provide enough lighting for the anemone.
These are Power Compact lights. Your 46 gallon If it is a standard size would be around 24 inches deep. Compact Fluorescent or PC lighting – Used mainly in tanks with a height of less than 14” Can be used in short tanks for corals the require moderate to low lighting. Your anemone requires high lighting.


Thanks we'll see what happens a few people said that already but my LFS said it would be fine and so did Current USA. So I'm gonna try it and then flip on both of them if it doesn't survive! LOL