1st South Side Swap Meet


o or were havin like this flower and garden show or something and she suggested maybe we have it there


spicey is a weendend day cool, with your school? if so set it up for a sat. say like 10:00 to 2:00 in 2 weeks from yesterday/ sound good?:happy:


I have no problems hooking up. I live kiddy corner from stony school. My email is: amazing_rays@yahoo.com. I am sure that some of the pet shops would not mind me leaving flyers on their counters. Karl might have a problem, but I know animal island wouldn't or aquatica or parks or petsmarts message board.


i'm pretty sure palos pets would be cool with a flyer on there board. i go to the reptile house alot, the owner is cool. animal island sells salt stuff...lol...also karl's tanks are pretty much new, so i dont know how good his stuff will be for awhile?tanks cycling and such.


yep, that is right...karl has got a message board, also! Once we get a date worked out, it will be nothing to print up something to post.


cool. Carl at animal krackers? lol if thats who your talkin about ill just have dave put it up but yeah good idea we should definitly do that and start posts on other forums too.


i did but my mom made me quit for school a little while ago
he offered to have me back this summer though so maybe ill be back. do u go there often? maybe id remember u if u go to the swap thing


i really dont go there that much. i like carl, and dave, there was an older guy there that was nice also.of course you'll see me at the swap.


Did you find any more information out? I was thinking of stopping by the school on my way to therapy this morning, but was running late. We need to know specifics, so I can print out some flyers. It seems that a lot of people do not have any tanks to start up. If I had the extra cash, I would buy a shipment of ten gallons, and everything you would need to aquaculture. I could sell it as a package deal. I don't know how many people will be coming, so Maybe, the guys at the pet shops can put the equipment together for us at a price.
All that is needed is a ten gallon, undergravel filter, small powerhead, hood/light, and 15 lbs. of aragonite gravel. I have seen 10 gallons w/hood for 17.00 at walmart....a small investment for what enjoyment you will get out of it.


hmmm good idea. this guy is great i tell ya, what will he think of next.

well its pretty much what ever i want to do theyll let me do so im not sure how long it will take to get ppl interested and what not so i guess if we want to settle on a set date and stick with it well go from there and i can pass out flyers this weekend. as for the tanks thats a real good idea too. i have like 5 in the basement maybe i could set them up with what i have and bring them or something.....


ok. You are the pres...you tell us the time and location in the school. In other words, lets commit! That sounded really corny!:) When you get home from school today, we will know definate times ,dates, and locations.


ok hows either the 19th or 26th of march sound? or even april 9th? what do u guys think would be the best way to go? either sooner, or wait a little bit to get more ppl involved


spicey sounds good. where is it at again. i may have ten more reefers to show up. i went to a swap last month. it was sweet. tons of frags. i need to get the location at the time. this has to be for sure. no b.s. if it's set up it has to be a go....


Sounds great! March 26th from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. It is set!
It is at the agricultural school on 111th and palaski. It is on the south east corner. Duh! you live in alsip.