1st South Side Swap Meet


You can volunteer there. Just as long as you can pass a criminal background check. I worked in the seahorse exhibit, giving little qestions about the exhibit to kids and raising awareness. Another job was working the walkway by the whales....which was the most rewarding(building a relationship of sorts with the whales). I worked down in the new reef exhibit. Then I worked in water quality control(lab work)...was better for more connections and behind the scenes. You either work for a few hours every two weeks or every week. If you have chemistry background, I could get you in the lab probably...every other saturday morning for 2.5-3 hrs. They might have an age limit for lab, but I worked with high school students on my other jobs. You get free admission to all the museums in their group, and free admission for up to 4-5 people in your family to the shedd. I have brought friends also.



Originally posted by spicey
o wow Jim knows me tell him its Matt lol its pretty sad when the pet store ppl know u by name lol well thats cool
**Mr. Sparks** sorry about that dont want to be disrespectful:nope:



wow that sounds really neat ill try to see if i can do that maybe over the summer at least thanks amazingray
as far as getting conections...... i always dreamed of working at the shedd for my career but who hasnt. i saw on their website a little bit ago that they have a high school marine biology trip to the bahamas every summer so ill apply for that too. how cool would that be!


They do diving excursions, amazon research....if you have a permit to dive, you would have it made. Last spring, they took a group to the bahamas for night diving. They were researching the coral population for them to reproduce due to the moon cycle.
:jumping: Volunteers get to take the classes offered at the Shedd. They have college coarses that are taught at the Shedd. These classes go pretty in depth. I believe they are coarses offered at northwestern?!
Let me know what the ag lady says, as soon as you read this. I can print up the flyers and send them out.


ok somewhat bad news, she said today we might have to wait till the beginning of april or something and there is no reason why?? she said to see her tomorrow or ill call herlater today to see if we could on the 26th or if we have to wait a week.
wow thanks for the info on the shedd, i will deifinitly have to check that out. can u sign up for these programs on the internet or what?


ok. Is probably better that way anyhow. Do your best to find out as soon as possible. This way, I may be able to get the junior high school down the street or something.


come on guys.,... i have people ready for a swap...:mad: get it together. or we can pile over at my house....or at a heated garage.it's hard to set up this, if the times, places change every day:notsure:i'm getting more and more people up for this.


i know i really was set on that date and im sorry that someone at school had to go and change it for some reason. it should be set up very soon ill let u know as soon as i do for sure


it's cool spicey. i'll have it at my place. if you want to come cool. if not also cool. it's easy to talk about stuff it's a little harder doing it. i cant tell people one thing one day and change it another day .


alright well if u want to have it in the end of march should i still set one up in april at the school? if she would cooperate at school:mad: i should have it set up. otherwise i guess nothing till tomorrow now :mad:


spicey you tell us, when we can have it, and we'll go from there.it's not up to us when we could have it at the school.


i know, thats what i was tryin to find out, sorry for any confusion. its the ag lady at school thats givin me the run-around


no problem guys. The ag lady probably spoke before she checked with her surperiors. I would have it at my house, but I have not room. Fishy, If you had one at your house, I would come.


I talked to jay at animal island...he is a go. I started a thread about coraline algae exchange. It is very beneficial to have different types.


you were supposed to get back to us on friday...what happened? I talked to fishy earlier on the phone... He was going to have one at his house besides the one we were planning with you. What did the ag lady say? Check out the group I belong to. This will be easier to organize. It has its own message board, etc. Anyone willing to join? http://aquariums.meetup.com/8/


the ag lady still hasnt returned any of my calls or emails so i dont know what to do
sorry about everything guys ill take care of it ASAP. amazingray, i signed up for that meeting thing u have there and my name is thefishkeeper07 cause spicey was taken