2 angel fish in the same tank?????


I have a Coral beauty(to me the friendliest least caring about anything in the world fish) in my tank right now. Can I add a Flame Angel to the mix or will the Flame angel and Coral beauty fight? Thanks for your help......


not very likely to work. flames are very intolerent of other angels.
the only one you my be able to add is a bi colored but still not very confident.

pastor b.

I tried putting a flame angel and a coral beauty together in a 75 gallon tank,and the flame killed the coral beauty
. Believe me ,it won't work.
generally a bad plan, I wanted both so a LFS i trust hand picked 2 of the same general size and I added them at the same time, they didnt care about each other one bit, till ich got my flame. I have been reading about the 2 ange thing all over the internet and most sya dont do it. I have found a few posts ( ill try to dig them up and post links) that claim you can add a second angel if the new one is slightly larger, my same LFS says the same but reccomends against it being a Flame, different dwarfs would be better.


I have a coral beauty and flame in my tank...BUT it's a 225G
I think you can do it in large systems
what size is your tank?


Not a chance I want to take for the money they cost. And it's not right for the fish either. Thanks everybody for your info.


As the other's have said in a large enought tank maybe. In a 30 no way, I just added a small french angel to my tank. I've got a large blue face and small koran. The blue face is the king of the tank and didn't pay any attention too the french. The koran(which is the same size as the french) on the other hand is on the french like white on rice. I've tried rearranging the tank and turning the light off with now results. Today I'm going to catch the koran and keep him in another small tank for a little while. The maybe I'll reintroduce them and hope they get along.