New Member
Last night we went to LFS and bought 12 snails and a cleaner shrimp to help clear out the considerable hair algae and diatoms in our 29 gal tank. This is our first experience with either. My daughter woke up this morning, ran to the tank and sitting on a rock was the EMPTY shell of the cleaner shrimp. She yells out "OMG moms gonna be so mad the clowns ate the shrimp!" She and my husband had no idea that they molted and thought it had become a tasty appetizer over night. Then they saw the live shrimp hanging upside down under a rock and went "whoa, we've got two of them". It was so cute. And very cool that it shed its "exo" on the first night. What a cool lesson for a 9 year old.
Also, man do those snail really munch through some algae. They went to work immediately. We watched them in the dark with flashlights. Tank was soooooo clean this morning!
How fun was that! :joy: :cheer:
Also, man do those snail really munch through some algae. They went to work immediately. We watched them in the dark with flashlights. Tank was soooooo clean this morning!
How fun was that! :joy: :cheer: