2 Lighting Questions. HELP!!!


I already posted the first one in the reef tank forum but I forgot the second and I didnt want to be annoying so I am posting them both here.

1)How many watts per gallon are needed to keep clams, annenomes, all corals, etc. (I have a 55 gallon -48x13x20 if that helps)?
2)How long can PC,VHO, or MH lights be on in a day and how long should lunar lights be on? :notsure: :notsure:
Please help!!!!!


Active Member
1. Me again. From what I've learned the amount of watts is a large factor, but not the only factor. If you have 280 watts of PC vs 280 watts of MH the MH work better because the metal halides penetrate the "watts" through the water easier. In my oppinion for you to keep anything in that tank you would need a fixture with at least some kind of metal halide and have about 400 watts total.
2. I'm planning on doing this. PC from noon to 10 PM. and metal halide from 1 PM to 9 PM so the PC are on an hour before and after the metal halides turn off. And the lunar lights its all up to you. Some people leave them on for a few hours for viewing pleasure and others leave them on all night, lunar lights don't really matter time wise.


Active Member
well, even tho its 3 questions I'll go a head and give it a shot
1) Never mind, I see anemones dying all around...


Active Member
Originally Posted by F1shMan
1. Me again. From what I've learned the amount of watts is a large factor, but not the only factor. If you have 280 watts of PC vs 280 watts of MH the MH work better because the metal halides penetrate the "watts" through the water easier. In my oppinion for you to keep anything in that tank you would need a fixture with at least some kind of metal halide and have about 400 watts total.
2. I'm planning on doing this. PC from noon to 10 PM. and metal halide from 1 PM to 9 PM so the PC are on an hour before and after the metal halides turn off. And the lunar lights its all up to you. Some people leave them on for a few hours for viewing pleasure and others leave them on all night, lunar lights don't really matter time wise.
Fishman, can you explain paragragh #2 please? I have a 55 and I would like to have the option of having or growing anything I want. (never hurts to want). I really don't understand why pc and then MH. I thought you put one or the other on!!?


Active Member
I'm new to reefs too* but this is what I was told by everyone, I think its so that the corals can go from very low wattage (lunar) to higher (PC) and then to the max wattage of the MH + PC. So its not like 0 - 300 in 1 second.


Active Member
Originally Posted by F1shMan
I'm new to reefs too.

I'm not, this is why I try and stay away from giving advice to people who are new to the hobby and planning to keep anemones..9 times out of 10 you kill em.
I'll be nice, for now.

bang guy

Originally Posted by golfish
9 times out of 10 you kill em.
I totally disagree golfish.
In my opinion it's more like 99 times out of 100. Hmmmmm, maybe it's less often. I actually don't know any new reefkeepers that have managed to keep their first hosting anemone alive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I actually don't know any new reefkeepers that have managed to keep their first anemone alive.


Active Member
I failed to keep my first, second and third anemone alive, over 12 months.
I vowed never to keep another but decided recently to give it another try. This one is doing ok (only been 6-months or so) but it's a green BT and seems very hardy to begin with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I totally disagree golfish.
In my opinion it's more like 99 times out of 100. Hmmmmm, maybe it's less often. I actually don't know any new reefkeepers that have managed to keep their first anemone alive.
Got my anemone after only being in the salt water hobby for 5 months. Coming up on 2 years and it is doing great! It has never moved, has trippled in size and its color (RBTA) is even more spectacular!
I just did lots of research on them and got the right setup BEFORE buying it and everything worked out fine.


Active Member
Here is a pic that is about 8 months old. It is slightly bigger now, with more "arms" but looks about the same!


Active Member
It would be nice to see a show of hands from all the people who have fallen for the clownfish anenone scam...This has got to be one of the biggest money makers for the LFS.
Consider my hand raised..


New Member
I got an anemone in my first tank (55gal) within first 3 months. Had it for a year until I introduced a choclate chip star. I ran it with NO 36" x 2 50/50 bulbs. HAH to all the PRO's that said it cannot be done. I won't do it my new tank because this forum scares me to do anything with my new tank. I probaly should have left it empty and watched the water go back and forth. Actually I should have just put in a hermit crab...... wait a minute that might have been overkill, skip that, maybe just a snail, a small one. Only way one can truly learn is doing it by yourself. The "bashers" in these forums are just strong opions. One guy told me to not buy an anemone because I will kill it and they are to scarce and beautiful. Yea ok.... If they are sooooo rare, then why are they in every LFS across the WORLD???? I did not see them on the endangered species list. Bottom line.. Its your money, spend it wisely or foolishly because that is the true american way.


Originally Posted by Reefman22
I already posted the first one in the reef tank forum but I forgot the second and I didnt want to be annoying so I am posting them both here.

1)How many watts per gallon are needed to keep clams, annenomes, all corals, etc. (I have a 55 gallon -48x13x20 if that helps)?
2)How long can PC,VHO, or MH lights be on in a day and how long should lunar lights be on? :notsure: :notsure:
Please help!!!!!
1. Most people say 8-10 watts
2. Most people say 8-12 hrs
Now to answer the question of why combine MH with VHO or PC? , Its for color, MH doesn't give you the full spectrum that you need to bring out the true color in your corals.
You supplement MHs with VHOs or PCs