The good news is that you have no live stock. The bad news is kalk mixing is a tad more complicated than that. And I literally mean a tad. But the question is, why you added it... Just a plain batch of newly mixed saltwater will have all the calcium you will need in order to maintain a healthy tank and even grow coralline. Down the road, after you introduce hard corals, then after you introduce a few more will you then see your levels drop to warrent kalk.
But anywho... If you want my personel kalk recipe (for later of course)
I put one tablespoon white vinager in a small pitcher, add 1/2 to 1 TEAspoon kalk powder, mix well then add 2 quarts of RO and I drip it slowly into the tank. Once I forgot and started pouring it in, and my corals let me know real quit this wasn't an ordinary RO top off. I then saved the rest to be aded slowly over the next 24 hours... Don't think I got the whole pitcher though... :thinking: