2 Tang Questions



I have to questions regarding the following tangs:
Blue Hippo
Yellow Tang
Powder Brown
First Question- Which TWO of these tangs would get along best together.
I would like to get two of those 4, so which ones would live peacefully together.
Second Question - Which of these tangs are easier to care for as far as diesease goes? I know that a blue hippo can sometimes be a disease magnet, so I would like to shy away from that, what are anyones thoughts on this?


first thing you listed 5 choices. lol
my favorite combo is the hippo and the yellow. the contrast cant be beat. bright and beautiful.
to answer the 2nd question i ould need to know size of your setup and what is currently in it.


yellows and purple are the hardiest, I have had success mixing them with hippos. the powder brown and blues are even more ick prone than the hippos. the pb and browns are also very active fish that need aleast a 6" tank. in any case i would add the yellow as the last fish to the tank.


Active Member
If you have the tank for it, a Naso can't be beat. Easy to keep, eats like a horse, and unlike other Tangs it it's very aggressive.
Brown & Hippo are Ich magnets.
Sailfin is somewhat more aggressive.
Yellow once established can be a bully but nothing too bad.
IMO, go with what I have.
Blond Naso Male and Yellow. I'm getting ready to add a Kole (the wuss of the Tang world) as well.
Good luck.


I have a yellow, sailfin and blue hippo...The blue hippo bothers no one, the yellow and sailfin clash back fins once in a while, but for the most part they all get along.


Thanks for your replies.
The powder brown is much more of a magnet than the hippo? I did not know that.
I would love a Naso, but i am worried about 2 things - One it says he is aggressive towards other tangs, and I would have another one.
and secondly I had a naso but he died within the first two weeks, he wouldnt eat and he got ich. Does this often happen with a naso - the not eating thing, or was it a fluke thing?
Currently in my tank is: 1 bluegreen chromis, 2 black perc clowns, and a green mandarin.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
If you have the tank for it, a Naso can't be beat. Easy to keep, eats like a horse, and unlike other Tangs it it's very aggressive.
Brown & Hippo are Ich magnets.
Sailfin is somewhat more aggressive.
Yellow once established can be a bully but nothing too bad.
IMO, go with what I have.
Blond Naso Male and Yellow. I'm getting ready to add a Kole (the wuss of the Tang world) as well.
Good luck.
Yellow Sailfin and Kole (I did not mention to my Kole the wuss reference).
Ick magnate cure. Do not expose your tangs or any fish for that matter to ick and no matter how hard they try to attract ick with their magnetic skills they will not be able to do so


If this is for the 56 gallon tank, then I would do none of them. Just my 2 cents, but if you are set on 1 it is your choice, then I would only do like a kole.


Originally Posted by reefer75
If this is for the 56 gallon tank, then I would do none of them. Just my 2 cents, but if you are set on 1 it is your choice, then I would only do like a kole.
No this is not for the 56 gal. I know better than that with all the brutal tang police on this board.
Thanks for everyones help by the way!

saka bra

-i have a blue hippo tang and a large naso. ive had mine together in the same tank for over a year and they look great together and have never seen them act towards eachother, they like to swim together back and forth next to eachother(non-aggresively of course) its like their schooling with my other tangs and angelfish.
-i wouldnt get a yellow tang, in my opinion theyre scrappy fish.


I don't mean to insult you, but you need to slow down. Just a month ago you set this 90 gallon tank up, and you already have added too many fish to quick. Now you want Tangs. They need an established system! I know people get excited and want everything, but there are limitations. I would only do 1 small tang in a 90. It is wrong to buy a fish that you don't know you will be able to house for the long run. Why buy something you may have to give away. Sould we all buy a shark because we want one, and we may get that big system one day. Stick with what fits your system now. If you get the chance to upgrade later, then buy those Tangs. That is why a Naso died after a couple of weeks. Slow down. Sorry if this offends you, I am just trying to help.


I have a naso and a powder blue and they get along great. But you need a big tank for these two. The naso grows really large and the powder tangs are very territorial. Nothing under 150gal and even that won't be big enough forever.


Originally Posted by reefer75
I don't mean to insult you, but you need to slow down. Just a month ago you set this 90 gallon tank up, and you already have added too many fish to quick. Now you want Tangs. They need an established system! I know people get excited and want everything, but there are limitations. I would only do 1 small tang in a 90. It is wrong to buy a fish that you don't know you will be able to house for the long run. Why buy something you may have to give away. Sould we all buy a shark because we want one, and we may get that big system one day. Stick with what fits your system now. If you get the chance to upgrade later, then buy those Tangs. That is why a Naso died after a couple of weeks. Slow down. Sorry if this offends you, I am just trying to help.
This DOES Offend me slightly - AS the 90 has NOT just been set up it was transferred from a very established 56 that all my current fish have already been in for a year or so. ALSO - the tangs wont be going in the 90! i recently got a great deal on a 200g and I will be setting that up, AND I NEVER said I was purchasing these fish tomorrow, I am just planning ahead and trying to figure out which tangs I may want to house together. Pleas DONT make judgments about my tanks without asking details first.


Calm down, Like I said I was just trying to help. I have seen and done too many mistakes myself. I care a great deal about this as I am sure you do to. I did ask if these was going into your 58 or whatever size it was. You just said no. The only tanks you have ever mentioned before is the 90 you just got. There has never been anything about a 200. If this is what you have then great. I am just around to help. I mean no offense, by what I say. It's just info.


Originally Posted by jessed244
I have to questions regarding the following tangs:
Blue Hippo
Yellow Tang
Powder Brown
First Question- Which TWO of these tangs would get along best together.
I would like to get two of those 4, so which ones would live peacefully together.
Second Question - Which of these tangs are easier to care for as far as diesease goes? I know that a blue hippo can sometimes be a disease magnet, so I would like to shy away from that, what are anyones thoughts on this?
i have a yellow and a powder brown, they get along fine and are very healthy.


Originally Posted by reefer75
Calm down, Like I said I was just trying to help. I have seen and done too many mistakes myself. I care a great deal about this as I am sure you do to. I did ask if these was going into your 58 or whatever size it was. You just said no. The only tanks you have ever mentioned before is the 90 you just got. There has never been anything about a 200. If this is what you have then great. I am just around to help. I mean no offense, by what I say. It's just info.
Thank you for your advice, Sorry I went off on you, but your reply just came on a little strong and insulting. But I appreciate the help.
The 200g is listed under my profile.
Now that we have that figured out, did you have any advice on what two tangs to house together?


I am not sure which are the best together, but my favorite is the Blonde Naso, I had one in my older system, Great fish never any problems with him. I had him with a Sailfin. Anther great choice in my opinion.


Yes Naso's can be tough to get to eat. Mine was a struggle and eats everything now but I believe these fish absorb very little from meaty items like sailfins and hippos do. If mine is not fed seaweed selects and turnip greens everyday he will start to get a pinched belly even if fed plenty of squid, krill, shrimp. etc.
Aggressive though? Mine is a docile as a mouse and he is housed with a hippo and sailfin in a 150g. I feel bad for him sometimes because my tomato clown gives him some serious business even though he is about 1/3 the size.
I would go yellow and hippo.