2 tang tank- how many gallons?

Just curious, I'm looking at the Powder Brown or White CHeek tang for when I finally get my tank, but I also really like the Black tang. How many gallons minimum tank would I need for the two? Would 150 do it? Thanx! :)

bang guy

6' X 2' is the minimum I would suggest. I don't think the height (within reason) would make all that much difference.
8' would be far far better.


They are very fickle creatures and need plenty of swimming space in order to be able to thrive effectively in tanks. The PBT is one of the most sensitve fish in this hobby, even thought they have great demand doesn't mean that everyone should be able to keep them.
IMO, They should only be kept in tank sizes of 180 or higher!
Hope it helps


It's not exclusively the number of gallons, but the "footprint" of the tank that you'll want to consider as well.
One of the LFS' near me has a 150 gallon tank that is 4' x 2 1/2' x 2 1/2'. I wouldn't recommend putting two large tangs in that tank.
I'd agree with those who have suggested a tank at least 6' long to house those fish.


i would recommend going with as big as possible (bigger is better right? or so the ocean teaches us...) but if you can't get a 180 a 150 should suffice.
Lesley: don't we all wish we could swim with our fishies? :)
Unfortunately, no I don't have a tank yet, at least not a sw one. I have three fw. Right now I'm working at McD's for $5.50 an hour and it doesn't even come close to paying the bills (BOY, wouldn't it be NICE if my bf would get a JOB! :mad: ), yet alone what a sw tank will cost. BTW, if anyone feels any poty, feel free to send me your entire sw setup, and I'll take care of it :D . Someday I'll get that sw tank though! I have my heart set on it.
Also, would it be better for a novice aquariast (at least at sw) to get a Gold Rim tang instead of the PBT, since they look alot alike, but I thought I remembered someone saying Gold RIms were easier to take care of? :)