2 tangs in a 55 gal?


New Member
I say if you want tangs go for it. I only say this because ive had a yellow tang and hippo tang for 4 years now both full grown and they are doing well. Never even had ick! Hippo tangs are my favorite fish and I was determined to make it work because I dident have 100's of extra dollars to spend on what people say is the recommended size tank and ive made it work. It just goes to show you that care means more than space. I will admit I need to care alot more for them in the 29 gallon than if I had them in a bigger tank but it works for me and im happy to have them in my tank.

bang guy


Originally posted by Aaron10248
I only say this because ive had a yellow tang and hippo tang for 4 years now both full grown and they are doing well.

How large are the Tangs? Just questioning what you mean by full grown.
I don't see how either of the could turn around in your 29 if they were full grown.


New Member
The Hippo is about 10 inches and the yellow tang is about 6-7 inches. All im saying is everyone makes up the fishes minds of if they can or cannot survive in a smaller tank but every fish is diffrent and until you actuallt try it you wont know if it can work. it works for me.


New Member
I dont have a pic of it at the moment. I never really thought it was so surprising until I started reading some of the opinions on here. i think the big thing is I spend alot more time on my fish than most people. I usually spend like 2 hours a day maintaining the tank. I think good water quality and good food makes all the diffrence. Let me ask you a question. If you had to live in a smaller sized home and were given everything you needed could you live happily just because you wernt in a huge home? I know I could and the same apply's here.


New Member
I am starting a 100 gallon up in a few months though so I wont have them in the 29 gallon for to much longer. I raised the from pretty young in the 29 gallon and I wanna put them in the 100 because im planning on using the 29 for some other fish. Im sure as well as my tangs have done in the 29 they will end up enjoying the 100 better though.


Active Member

Originally posted by Aaron10248
If you had to live in a smaller sized home and were given everything you needed could you live happily just because you wernt in a huge home? I know I could and the same apply's here.

Dont think i would be very happy if i could barely turn around though.


New Member
Since I mentioned about my new 100 gallon how does this sound for my fish. The Hippo tang and Yellow tang of corse, coral beauty angel, 2 percula clowns, firefish goby, a yellow wrasse, royal gramma, and a lawnmower blenny.


Active Member

Originally posted by Aaron10248
Its not as cramped as you may think. I dont have loads of live rock in the tank taking up room.

standard 29 gallon is 12" wide if your Tang is 10" then yes it is as cramped as it seems.

bang guy


Originally posted by Aaron10248
Since I mentioned about my new 100 gallon how does this sound for my fish. The Hippo tang and Yellow tang of corse, coral beauty angel, 2 percula clowns, firefish goby, a yellow wrasse, royal gramma, and a lawnmower blenny.

Sounds great to me.

bang guy


Originally posted by Aaron10248
i think the big thing is I spend alot more time on my fish than most people. I usually spend like 2 hours a day maintaining the tank.

I'm sure that helps but the nature of these fish is normally incompatible with that size tank.
If you repeated the last 4 years with these fish 10 times I would put good money that it would fail every time.
Your 100 will prevent future problems but just so you know your fish are only about 80% grown. Fortunately they will grow fairly slowly for the next 40 or 50 years.

bang guy

I see absolutely nothing wrong with the fish you listed. You'll want a significant amount of rock for the Pygmy Angel though.


Or if yer gonna do fish like that, maybe like rock in the center, a couple of different piles so the fish can set up their own territories and lots os swimthroughs. These fishies need a combo of swimming room and hiding space as well, plases they can swim through, and just swim around in general. Still, a 9-10 inch tang in a 29 is like having yer kid locked in a box for three years where he has enough space to stand up, maybe lie down with his head almost touching the wall, and be able to crawl 2 times his body length. So..... feeding him and giving him clean air would make him...unhealthy cuz he cant excercise.


You guys are failing to remember that included in the 29g is a 6inch yellow tang. One 10 inch regal is enough let alone another one with a decent amount of size. Someone say sardines?


Active Member
hippo and YT in a 29....wow. Glad it's worked for you but certainly wouldn't recommend it. Great news about the 100g....they will be eternally grateful. Your stock for the 100 is fine. Good luck.


I really must be a skeptic. Cant really belive something until I see it and even then I dont believe it haf the time.