2 tiger oscars for free in chicago area


Active Member
WOAH...back up there sparky! You want a good home for these buggers right? Well, OhioGuy is the BEST bet you've got. And, for you to want HIM to pay for shipping AND for him to give u live rock is OUTRAGEOUS!! Shipping on the freekin rock would be way more that it would be for the fish. Just pay the shipping for the fish. It will be well worth it, trust me. Oh, and when people are trying to do u a favor, dont ask for things such as live rock and PAYING FOR SHIPPING!!


Active Member
Look Junior, Ohio has an AWESOME setup for these oscars and everything he owns. He has invited me over for lunch on SEVERAL occasions, and we have grown to be very good friends. I have repeatedly watched him tinker with all his equipment and he is the most knowledgeable person on fish that I have ever met. He knows what he is doing, and if your oscars go to him...it will be like oscar heaven for these guys. Come on now...cough up a little lunch money. After all, you DO want what is best for your fish, dont you? Well, I guess not..because you would have never bought them if you did care. I mean, a 29 is WAY too small. I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but I mean, come on now...this is getting ridiculous. Just pay for shipping...your fish will thank you for it. For you not to pay shipping so your fish can live happier lives is just foolish, imo.


Active Member
Sorry, Junior. I wasnt trying to sound mean. I was just trying to get my point across. I am going through a lot right now, and lose my temper a lot. I apologize.


Active Member
ohio i might not be able to ship to u cause parents say it is too expensive. if you can pay maybe i don't know and hardpike email me at pan_jonathan@yahoo.com and we will arrange stuff. sorry ohio if i can't ship those oscars to you


Active Member
anyone else in the chicago area who wants em???Hardpike doesn't seem to be answering in any way?


I am here. I emailed you my cell. We will find a time spot. I was doing new flooring all weekend. Never again on the floor. But ya, give me a call. Talk to ya later