2 week old 75


yea i seeded everything from another established tank 15 gals water pound of sand bateria cartriages from other filters and live rock



Originally posted by eric41177
I see you have a goldbar and a maroon clown....Nice
i would like to get another g/b/c but they will fight.
Well my point is do they fight?
Oh Ya
You say your tank is 2 weeks old.
Did you finish your cycle?

what you can do is try to find a bigger gold bar than the one you allready have i put the maroon in first and hes only about an inch and then today i put in the gold bar and hes about 2 or 3 and they pal around and dont fight and i kno it might be because they are 2 different kinds but if you want to take a chance i would get a bigger gold bar than you already have


You probably shouldve holded out on the copperband for a LOOONG time..I dont think its going to survive much longer, theyre pretty hard to keep,is it eating good? Whats your water param.?


everything is at zero and hes swimming around and eating with in the first 15 mins of being in there and if i put him in last he will not do good becuase the tnak will be alot more aggressive by then. i like to put butterflys in first so they get a chance to establish and have a chance to start eating


and i kno they are hard to keep but he will be fine because the only agressive fish in there will be a powder blue


im tellin you if you have a tank already set up and your putting a new one in you just seed everything and it goes by so quick i mean i could have put fish in it the first day cuz the highest my amonia ever got was .25

mr. tuna

Active Member
You could have NOT put a fish in the first day..
a 2 week cycle like you did is... not long,
and the more pacients you have, the better everything will come along. i had to learn that the hard way a while back, so listen to the pacience advise, and you will have a succesful tank.


i kon everyt thing about patience this is not my first tank setting up and the 125 that happened but this tank is doing fine right now

mr. tuna

Active Member
oh ok, just keep that in mind when buying thing about pacience, and you should have a good tank! :)



Originally posted by MR. Tuna
a powder blue in a 75...:nope:

Powder Blue's and Brown's are fine in a 75 gal. :yes:


when I set up my new 72G, I used my old 42G rocks, water, sands and corals, and filter (MAG 350). I let it ran for 2 days, then put all my inverts and corals to the new tank (since I was using the old 42g as my QT (for all my fish got ICH)). it has been more than a month, still no visble signs of cycle. (i don't think it will happen anymore)
(all the inverts, shrimps and corals are doing fine in the new tank, and my old 42G is just out of Hypo now)



Originally posted by sailfin
Powder Blue's and Brown's are fine in a 75 gal. :yes:

ahhhh thank you


Active Member

Originally posted by sailfin
Powder Blue's and Brown's are fine in a 75 gal. :yes:

yeah.. as like the only fish