2 week old 75



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
powder blues and browns are 2 of the tangs that need the biggest tanks

I don't know where you got your information, but they are two that require the least. :yes:
That is a fact from Scott Michael's book, "Marine Fishes."
BTW, I did not mean both in the same tank, just one. I meant that either one would be O.K. in that size tank.
Waterfaller --> :yes:



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
well that book is wrong. these fish need a lot of room to roam.

And who exactly are you? Have you researched and written a book about marine fishes? :rolleyes:
My point is this. It has been said over and over on this board. We know when our fish are feeling fine and when they are not. I think it is up to us to keep an eye on our "own" fish and do what is best for them. Let me also say this. Have you ever gone into a fish store and seen all 100 gal plus holding tanks? I don't think so. We all know that some fish stay in a fish store for quite some time before being sold. They, for the most part, are fine until someone does purchase them.
Have a great day!!


Have you ever gone into a fish store and seen all 100 gal plus holding tanks? I don't think so. We all know that some fish stay in a fish store for quite some time before being sold. They, for the most part, are fine until someone does purchase them.
The reason is because fish stores are only in it to make $$$. The dont really care about the fish besides keeping it alive long enough for some poor soul to buy it. A fish store could never stay open if it had all hundred gallon tanks for all their fish. I mean no bashing by this but maybe you should trying reading some other books. If you do that you should be able to that different sources have different min. tank sizes. The is no real answer to this question but some answers are by far less stupid then others


:notsure: but i think the tang police are up and running today

i have a 100 gal, with four tangs, they all have been in the tank together for almost three years and are happy and healthy, and best friends.
i will need to find a home for my lopezi soon, because (yes) he has gotten to big for my reef, but they are all very happy fish, and very spoiled, the lopezi eats out of my hand and rubs on me when i'm in the tank, he loves to be petted, he will turn on his side and lay there so i will pet him, i will miss him when i find a new home for him.
so i guess what i'm trying to say is sometimes theres an exception to the rule. you just have to watch your fish and see how they are feeling. most people with sw aquiariums can tell if there fish are feeling well or not. but if you are new to sw just be very carefull and watch closely, you will start being able to tell if there is something wrong in your tank.
good luck adamz, and happy salt watering.



Originally posted by sailfin
And who exactly are you? Have you researched and written a book about marine fishes?

hi, im reef_magic, and no i havent written a book, nor do i want to. and i have reserached more than u obviusly
Originally posted by sailfin

My point is this. It has been said over and over on this board. We know when our fish are feeling fine and when they are not.

there is no possible way in the known universe to know when a fish is happy
Have a great day!!



Originally posted by ucdpike2001
The reason is because fish stores are only in it to make $$$. The dont really care about the fish besides keeping it alive long enough for some poor soul to buy it. A fish store could never stay open if it had all hundred gallon tanks for all their fish. I mean no bashing by this but maybe you should trying reading some other books. If you do that you should be able to that different sources have different min. tank sizes. The is no real answer to this question but some answers are by far less stupid then others




Originally posted by Reef_Magic
there is no possible way in the known universe to know when a fish is happy
Have a great day!!

You've apparently got know idea what you are talking about. Anyone who keeps a "good" SW tank knows when the fish are happy. Sorry to hear that you can't tell.:nope: I hope none of them die because of neglect. :nope:
BTW, I was being serious when I said "Have a nice day."
On a side note, pike2001, not all LFS are in it for the $$$. What do you guys do, buy everything off of the internet? What size tanks do you think they have their fish in? Come on, get real.:yes:


sailfin, seriusly, thee is no way to tell if ur fish are happy. they ahve no facial expression and give no body language. its easy to tell if they are sick, but not happy whatsoever.
someone could interpret fast swimming around the tank as the fish enjoying himself having fun, others may see it as stress or uncomfortableness

master 33

a 75 gal is plenty for a powder blue or brown. Tang police need to bail. BAIL!!! Its not like a Sohol tang and does not get THAT large. And you CAN tell whether or not your fish is CONTENT in your tank. They may not smile or talk but you can tell if they are thriving or not. If they arent content...they will not thrive...simple as that.


not really.....what do u call all the starving people in china? they are alive, but are they content? i dont think so
and a 75 could be enough for a PBT, but it depends on how heavily stocked with rock it is. if it has too much rock, most of that swimming space is deprived

master 33

:confused: starving people in China arent exactly THRIVING. Yeah If I starved my fish...it wouldnt be very content in my tank.


Originally posted by Reef_Magic
not really.....what do u call all the starving people in china? they are alive, but are they content? i dont think so
yea their starving and look like crap thats how you kno that their not content but all my fish dont like like crap



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
not really.....what do u call all the starving people in china? they are alive, but are they content? i dont think so
and a 75 could be enough for a PBT, but it depends on how heavily stocked with rock it is. if it has too much rock, most of that swimming space is deprived

I try my best to be nice, but this statement is hilarious.