2 week old 75


Ok, I'm not trying to fuel the fire or anything...but I just wanted to input something I saw less than a week ago while diving in Hawaii. Needless to say...it was a Powder Brown Tang who was easily a foot and half long. Would you put that fish in your 75 gallon?? Neither would I! (I'll post pics of it when I get them developed!!) Research some people!!!! :nope: And on another note...many LFS people store their fish in smaller tanks because they are TEMPORARY holding tanks. Have you ever noticed a store's permanent display tanks?? I gaurantee you they aren't 10 gallon tanks with Powder Brown Tangs... :nope:

mr. tuna

Active Member
I will say it again.. I would NOT put a PBT in a 75 adamz..
you might see the fish swimming, but as we discussed before, you might not know if it comfortable, and happy.
My opinion is... dont get one at all. :nope:
There are many other wonderful fish that you can put in
a 75... But a PBT is beautiful, though should not be in a 75.

master 33

If you saw a PBT that was easily 18 inches long than a PBT doesnt belong in a 200 gallon tank either. And by that rationall we shouldnt keep most of the fish we have in our tanks because in the wild they could get so large.


In all of the books I have read the biggest it states a PBT getting is 9". Are you positive that it was a PBT? I would love to see a pic of that. I have one more suggestion for you adamz. Find you another fish you like that will definetely fit in a 75 gal so we can stop going to our user cp and noticing someone else has posting bad things about a PBT in your tank.
BTW, you can tell when fish are happy. If you want to know the secret I'll tell you. It'll cost you, but I'll tell you.


while diving in Hawaii.
Don't forget, when you are looking through your mask, things look about 1/3+ larger in size...
I'm NOT saying you didn't see what you saw...
I was diving in the Keys a few years ago and took all sorts of "big" fish pictures..and even swam away from a few giant unknown Jellyfish... I was amazed that when I had the photos developed, it was clear to see, they were in fact, quite a bit smaller than when I photographed them...
That said..some fish in the wild will grow to amazing sizes..I saw a photo of a clown trigger, the size of a guys arm one time..
I do wonder though, in captivity, how large some of these fish do, or do not, get...
Not fueling any fire here.. just commenting...
Good luck folks..


Well..it sure LOOKED like a PBT and it was definitely larger than 9 inches regardless of the mask or not!!! And when looking at pictures after the fact it is hard to judge size because you don't have the luxury of something size concrete to compare it to. It's just like looking at a picture of someone "supporting" the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The Tower seems small relative to the person....but we all know it's actually bigger. Ahh...the trickery of lacking depth perception in a photograph. But say it wasn't a PBT...it was something that looked very similar to it that someone somewhere has swimming in their aquarium. The pictures are at my sister's house in Dallas...but I will be traveling there this weekend. So I'll get the picture posted by Monday, ok?? Here is some info on another type of tang:
"Acanthurus dussumieri Valenciennes 1835, the Eyestripe or Dussumier's Surgeonfish. This is a highly variably colored fish. Some are drab gray, whereas some I've seen from Hawai’i sported brilliant yellow around their body margin with beautiful royal purple highlights. This surgeon is more like the genus Ctenochaetus in its feeding habits, sifting sand and detritus in addition to algae scraping. Specimens off Maui, in an a hobbyist tank and a profile of one off Queensland, Australia. To EIGHTEEN inches long in the wild."
So there is a type of tang that grows this large....


All I can say is people buy what you want to buy and keep what you want to keep. There will always be people disagreeing on what fish to put in what tank. The fish will never be as happy in any tank opposed to being in the ocean so if it makes you happy then put it in there.