20-25 Gallon Tanks


test tankin morning to make sure levels are good. if LR is local and cured, add before or after livestock. i would do before, especially w/ a jawfish so you can make sure your LR is on the bottom of tank.

shroom rock ok to move if levels are ok in morning. :happyfish


Active Member
yea...agreed, test again to make sure they stay level, if they stay then start away...i'd add the liverock first just to be safe, maybe test after you add that to make sure no spike comes for some reason...but i think youll be ok if ya buy the cured LR locally,etc
where are ya in MI?


Wow!!! :scared: I have never seen my mushrooms open up so much... The Mushrooms along with the feather duster that were on that rock have all opened up real big and tall... :joy:
I’m assuming that is a good sign...

Bronco, I live in Northern Michigan near the Pinky
... Traverse City Area...

P.S. I will upload pics as soon as I get my new battery... Should have one in a few hours...


Active Member
awesome, congrats!
alright, just thought i'd see if you live in southern MI as in june i'll be moving to northern IN, about 15min from the MI-IN border
cant wait to see the pics!


Here is one of the two Camel Shrimp: (Bad Photo)

One of the 10 lb LR:


Full Tank shot: (Will post moon light photo and better tank photo after work)

I’m still trying to work the quirks out of my camera and will post better pictures when I get a chance...
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Originally Posted by Bronco300
ive never been able to get decent pics of mine, but only one....congrats on the good lookin tank
Thanks again.... Now for some more Live Rock... :joy:

tuna dan

Nice tank That is a sweet looking piece of rock.... only thing I dont really like the fake looking background.


Active Member
This is my 24G tank at 8 weeks of age... still has the algea bloom going on in this pic, I am working on this right now.... Almost gone!!!


Originally Posted by Jerth6932
This is my 24G tank at 8 weeks of age... still has the algea bloom going on in this pic, I am working on this right now.... Almost gone!!!
Nice, can't wait till my tank looks closer to this...
enriqueb: Yes they are LED moonlights that came with the light fixture.
Tuna Dan: I agree, the fake background is only temporary till I have more rock and coraline algae all over the glass...
Here are some pics of the corals I added yesterday... (Stole them from my 100g tank)

During Acclimation:

After Acclimation: :happyfish

:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: