2000+g plz help!!!


well, my very very rich and spontaneous boss saw my tanks and talk with me for a while. lol, some how i convenced him he needs a 2000g+ fish tank in his home. What we talked about was a 8'W 8'L 4"H. To give it a deep look. He wants low manteince but a coral reef look. I found some companys who make very attractive looking artificial reefs for large tanks. So now im supposed to start this after X-mas. Im very excited becasue i never would be able to do this with my budget : :hilarious :hilarious
I need advice from anyone that has every done a project like this.
hers what i have on my mind now.
-VHO lighing 2wt gallon
-For fliters:
Open system: from tank to very large DIY wet/dry -> protien skimmer sump -> 150g fuge -> 300g return sump /sump for quick weekly water changes-> pump -> tank
closed system: from tank to mechical fliter ->chemical fliter -> UVs -> heater cooler unit-> tank
im shooting for 15-20x water movement. Im not sure on a few things like what skimmer, how man UVs stuff like that.
The tank is going to be a peaceful community tank. with like hundered tangs and butterfly and angels. should look cool as hell if i can pull it off. Im just glad he didnt want real coral

so i just input on everything, tank etc. my email is djevack@adelphia.net or aim: dj3vack (the best)


ummmm defineet;y want pics when ur done.... sorry cant help
ur so000000000ooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky
good luck


I will when its done and while im building it, might just put a bed in the equipment room and live there over the winter, who needs school pfft


Active Member
you probably dont want to make the tank that high. you wont be able to touch or even get near to the bottom ofthe tank to clean, arrange rock, or whatever. just a suggestion


i thought of that, but the entire tank will be an artifical coral reef, costing around 6000. the only cleaning will be scubing the reef and vacuming the floor all can be done from the outside


angels as in plural? WTF? I know the tank is big but...
$6000 for the whole thing?
This is unrealistic from what ive seen.
Good luck. I hope this project will in no way effect your job.
My 2 cents


Originally Posted by pimpNfish
angels as in plural? WTF? I know the tank is big but...
$6000 for the whole thing?
This is unrealistic from what ive seen.
Good luck. I hope this project will in no way effect your job.
My 2 cents

LOL, no 6000 just for the aquascaping, dont know the total for everything, prop around 20,000-30,000 plus my fees mahaha


Active Member
if he has that much money get a bubbleking skimmer, for that size tank they prob run 2k+, for powerhead use tunze or seios, instead of uv u should go for ozonizer, but not sure if they make models that big, ull prob have to get like 3 200mg systems, there are more benefits in ozonizers, if at all possibly make sure the location of the tank is right so the floor can support the tank, even then i think u should add sum supports in the basement, for sump, if at all possible use a rubber maid 300gal stock tank, cheaper and plenty of room but this would have to be located in a room behind or in the basement, also see if he wants barebottom or sand, bb is better because the detritus that fall wont get trapped by the sand.
specs on water flow: at 18x turnover your looking at 36000.
equipment list
heater- jager at least 1000watts-2000watts+(minimum 1000wtt:$95.96 moderate 2000wtt:$191.92)
skimmers- bubbleking(need to find the site for price), deltec ap1006(price:6619.00) these two are top of the line
sump- 300gal rubbermaid stock tank, approx $150-200
pump to return- sequence uno series tarpon($348.95), panworld 200ps(249.90), or sequence 3600(238.95) i would reccomend u use the 3600 series pump
powerheads- tunze turbelle stream kit ts48, or closed loop with at least 2 sequence reef flo hammerheads(with the turnover rate you want you will prob have to use both the tunze and closed loop, with both you will get around 23740, aprox 11x turnover, this is without the pump from the return) price: (assumming u use both methods) $2128
your rough estimate for these product will be arond $9377 and u still need sum more stuff
this will be a big task, u better start planning now, if i were to do that i would start planing 2 months in advance due to school, your gonna need to know how to get the tank in the house, where your gonna put it and who is gonna help you carry it, at 8ft long antd 8ft wide, your gonna need sum pretty strong ppl and a really big dor to get the tank in or even have a company build the tank in the house. You will also have to plan the plumbing and what stuff u are gonna need
good luck, if you need more help on where to get stuff email me at fish_addict_05@hotmail.com


Active Member
oh yea you might want to get a tank with starphire glass in the front, as i told you on the email, ill send you a list of the sites to look at


Active Member
I agree Bubble King skimmers
Red Dragon pumps
Honestly still wouldn't build a tank that deep regardless of lighting needs. Tank is going to cost a good penny.....$20k-$30k is under estimating in my book......What's the purpose of all the UV's? Quarantine, and nothing really concrete if UV's work effectively or not....What's the purpose for them........For a FO with artifical corals what's the real need for a fuge????


Active Member
ture the fuge isnt really nessecary, with bubblekings or deltecs, ull be pulling waste out like crazy, and with a ozonizer, it will help aid in it


Google "oregonreef" there is a link where you can email the guy. I would see how much help you can get from him for a tank this size.


So who want to bet that this never works or happens...
I've put in tanks bigger then this and am presently responsible for two shark tanks in clients homes - that I planned and installed. Here is some advice that you are going to need.
1. There is no such thing as a maintenance free tank.
You are talking about setting up a very complicate system. Even with the size - if you are serious about the 100 fish bioload... There is going to be a lot of maintenance.
2. 100 fish... How are you going to get into that thing when fish die. With 100+ fish, you are going to loss a lot of fish and will need to get in there all the time to prevent them from messing up the entire system.
3. The system is getting wat to complicated for it's own good. If you want any chance of this thing making it long term - think simple or you are going to get into trouble.
4. The fake coral is going to be a pain if you can not get into the tank and clean them on a regular basis. With 100+ fish there is going to be a big bioload and the fake coral is going to get algea growing all over it.
5. There is no way to get an 8 x 8 x 4 tank into any regular house doors.
Think about this... A normal french door is lucky to be 6 feet wide at most.
All the tanks that I had installed in peoples houses were either built in the house or part of the house was removed to get the tank in.
Just something to think about....


1. I know there is no suck thing, but I do know the more and better equipment you put in the less maintenance
2. They make devises that can reach and grab objects, worse case you get wet, I go swimming in the ocean....

3. I don’t think "The system is getting (way) to complicated for it's own good", yes its huge but its just like any other filter system just much much bigger
4. Its just not fake coral the majority of the aquascaping is artificial rock panels, very easy to clean from outside the water. yes there will be lots of fake coral, and im aware time to time u will have to jump in a clean it. I also agree the 100+ bio load is large but from my understanding you size your filters to match the bio load, 5 or 6 fish in a 55 doesn’t make a giant mess because you have regular maintenance and an adequate filter system for the bio load.
5. Im not dumb, hes putting in an addition, the tank will be placed by a crane on site or built on site. The purpose of my post was to get advice on the life support side and where to find products. NOT to debate installing the actually tank itself, this will be done by the profession who build the tank.
Also please don’t post again wrigley11, where not taking bets on if this happens or not, it will happen, will it turn out to be a 2k tank maybe not, isn’t my call, it may turn out to be 500g or 4k I don’t know yet. Im glad “you I've put in tanks bigger then this and am presently responsible for two shark tanks in clients homes” but unless your advise is truly going to be helpful like the previous post by fishking and acrylic51, who want to help me, don’t bother. So again don’t post again.


Congratulations on your project! I am sure wrigley didn't mean anything by it, sounded more like passing on a wise, if cynical, word. In any case, I am coming from a different direction, a relative newb, but I would like to chime in here.
This is a mammoth project. But the largest concern you should have is how it may affect your relationship with your boss. If everything goes smoothly you just may be best friends before this is over. If things get screwy you may be looking for another job. So it is definitely in your best interest to make sure this goes smoothly and any problems, which seem inevitable in this hobby are anticipated or addressed quickly and efficiently.
If your boss is going to spend 30 K on a fishtank he is going to want it to look VERY nice. I would suggest MH, especially if you are going to go that deep. I love the effect of halides and I think you may want to allow for corals in the event that you or he change your minds. Not that you will but if you get an algae problem the fake corals will be a problem, they will get really ugly. If it were my money and my tank that would bother me.
Constructionwise. If he is putting on an addition as a part of this, tell him that he should build a fish room (I WISH I had the room!!) to store multiple QTs, equipment, sumps and fuges. You will also need to plan access to the tank from all directions, I think I have seen enclosed catwalks on some tanks like that. Keep in mind the evaporation, it could damage the structure of the home. And the weight, advise your client/boss that the tank should rest on concrete or will need very strong supports for the floor.
As far as equipment, I would say double up on the skimmer, get a couple of extra pumps for circulation. You will want a few controllers to make the process as automated as possible. As far as brands I am sure other folks have great experience with many of them, I do not. Depending on where you live you may want to advise him to invest in a generator for back up in the event of power loss.
Those were just some observations I made from reading your post. Again congratulations and all the best on your new project!


The post was not meant in a negative way....
For the record - it's a free site and I'll post when and where I like...
Enjoy the nightmare or should I say dream...


Active Member
cant we all get along, come on no negative post, but seriously make sure you get everything right, it sure will be a lovely tank, dj im lokin up equipment for u right now, ill email u them k, the fake coral i think is a little iffy cleaning them will be a pain but hey just charge him 100 dollars per clean up=).....he's got the money=P


Active Member
like ezee said double up on the skimmer, hehehe 1k for 2 deltecs and possible go with another set of tunze stream powerheads