Preparing a Photograph for Upload…A Few Tips From Grayce
After you transfer your photos to your computer you will need some photo editing software to resize your digital photographs. I recommend resizing to a standard 448 x 336, if it’s a horizontal image and 336 x 448 if it is a vertical. If you try to upload a picture that is too large the system may reject it or you may get a “timed out” error message.
Check the software that came with your camera, or pre-installed on your computer, to see if you already have the photo editing software you need to simply crop and resize. If you don't have any photo editing software or want to try something new, here are a few free programs for you to use. There are others, you can find by doing a search online.
Shrink Pictures is actually a website that allows you to resize pictures right on their website.
Before resizing you should crop away anything that isn’t necessary in the picture, since we want to see the subject clearly, and prominently. The subject should make up the largest percentage of the picture. The best way is to get as close to your subject as your camera can focus on. If you take the picture from too far away there will be too much background and your subject will seem insignificant in the final outcome. If you move in closer than your camera manual suggests you will end up with a blur.
As a published photographer, the very best tip I can share is take lots and lots of photographs of your subject, then select the best to submit to the contest. Try different angles too. You’ll also find that in different lighting, and at different times of the day, colors will appear different.
Other than cropping a photo, then resizing it, there shouldn’t really be any additional editing to be done. Some programs will have an option for you to sharpen a picture. Most digital images will benefit from this, but if it’s overdone will actually ruin the picture. View you picture before uploading it, to make sure the quality is good. You want your picture to be a winner and that means it will need to be better than the competitions' pictures.-Grayce