210 Gal. stock List


I just bought a used 210gal. (72"X24"X30") and its time to decide on what's going in it!!
What do you think of this list? For filtration i will have a 50gal. sump, 30gal. refug., 200lb+ live rock, 200lb+ sand, tunze protein skimmer rated for 396gal. and maybe a uv sterilizer.
Majestic Foxface
Harlequin Tusk Wrasse
Green Bird Wrasse
Dogfaced Puffer
Miniatus Grouper
Male Bluethroat Trigger
Goldentail or Banana Moray Eel


Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86
I just bought a used 210gal. (72"X24"X30") and its time to decide on what's going in it!!
What do you think of this list? For filtration i will have a 50gal. sump, 30gal. refug., 200lb+ live rock, 200lb+ sand, tunze protein skimmer rated for 396gal. and maybe a uv sterilizer.
Majestic Foxface
Harlequin Tusk Wrasse
Green Bird Wrasse
Dogfaced Puffer
Miniatus Grouper
Male Bluethroat Trigger
Goldentail or Banana Moray Eel

Are you sure it's a 210...because I just picked up a 220 with the same measurements


Originally Posted by erionracer
Are you sure it's a 210...because I just picked up a 220 with the same measurements
It's 29"tall, not 30" (my bad) so technically it's 216.9gal, but all glass lists it as a 210gal.
any thoughts on my list, too much or ok?


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Looks fine to me. If I were to leave anything out, it'd be the Bird Wrasse.
Because of being overstocked or not as aggressive as the other guys?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86
Because of being overstocked or not as aggressive as the other guys?

Just cause I personally dont like them...lol.
Adding these fish is gonna be a long process anyway...you cant just add them all at once. You may be like me and change your mind 15 times before you end up with the final occupants.


Hi Shawn, I am not surprised to the answer you got for you can stick better with the bird wrasse then the Miniatus Grouper for it in time will and could kill either of those eels you`re deciding on for the Miniatus Groupers are very territorial aggressive among anything else you have on that list.
So in all, I say you are best too remove the Miniatus Grouper from your tank inhabitants list.
Besides all that, it will attack many of your other fish in time.


Active Member
The Miniatus will be just fine with the other tank mates. As long as it's added last and making sure that's it a small specimen, you'll have no problems.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
The Miniatus will be just fine with the other tank mates. As long as it's added last and making sure that's it a small specimen, you'll have no problems.
I did plan on gong with this fish last and a small one, are there any other groupers that don't get too big. The main reason i went with the miniatus is that they don't seem to get bigger than a foot and if you noticed my list there is a wide color spectrum of fish-(red,orange,yellow,green,blue,black,white)


Active Member
My personal two favorite species are the Blue Dot (Cephalopholis argus) and the Blue Line (Cephalopholis formosa), both of which barely get over a foot long.
I have an 8" Blue Line and it's been one of my fav. fish that I've ever kept...huge personality and just as big of an appetite.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
My personal two favorite species are the Blue Dot (Cephalopholis argus) and the Blue Line (Cephalopholis formosa), both of which barely get over a foot long.
I have an 8" Blue Line and it's been one of my fav. fish that I've ever kept...huge personality and just as big of an appetite.
so, you think i'll be ok with one of those eel and one of these groupers, handfeed has me a little worried. I always thought medium size eels and groupers were compatable.