210 setup


Really nice tank nitro dave!!! Did it come preassembled with over flow's & have a glass top? You said the stand was a all-glass as well right? Me & the wife are looking to upgrade & I have to say thats a nice set up what did it run $ you if you don't mind? How many g is your sump/fug? Maybe Ill trade you my modded T-maxx for it

nitro dave

the tank cost me 699$ with no top but it did come with the megaflow overflows and I got the stand for 499$ and I am useing a 55g for the sump that I alread had.

michelle l

Was that a blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet??
I used to have one, and he was a fantastic bird. Lots of personality. I couldn't give him the attention that he required so he wasn't a very happy bird much of the time. The only time he stopped crying for me was if he were on my shoulder or somewhere near me. I loved him, but I found a good attentive home for him with a lady who had several birds and the time to devote to them.
They are beautiful birds, and you don't see them often.

nitro dave

yes it is a blue ringneck hes still just a baby and I think he will be a great bird, cant wait to see if he gets the ring around he neck I am told that only the males get this.

nitro dave

by the way, I cant decide what lights to buy. would a fixture with three 250 watt MH and pc for the antics be alright or shoud I get a fixture with tree 400 watt MH. I would like to have some clams and the tank is 29" deep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
Was that a blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet??
I used to have one, and he was a fantastic bird. Lots of personality. I couldn't give him the attention that he required so he wasn't a very happy bird much of the time. The only time he stopped crying for me was if he were on my shoulder or somewhere near me. I loved him, but I found a good attentive home for him with a lady who had several birds and the time to devote to them.
They are beautiful birds, and you don't see them often.
Are you by chance in the mfba? Noticed you had the hood on your firebird and was just curious?
Here's mine...