210g Full Tank Shots


Active Member
Nice tank. Do you have any tips on keeping the bicolor angel? I have heard they are very fragile fish and sometimes die for no reason. I plan on trying one some day.


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Nice tank. Do you have any tips on keeping the bicolor angel? I have heard they are very fragile fish and sometimes die for no reason. I plan on trying one some day.
actually him and my clowns are the hardiest fish I have had. they have made it through 3 moves with no problems. a good established tank with lots of rock makes him happy. I did have a damsel with him at one point that picked on him and he lost all of his color. took the damsel out and he gained all the color back.
I think I just got lucky I guess.
about my food I have a full lid on top so nothing can really get in or even better out.

heart & sole

Originally Posted by jonny
its like a mutt mixture of sands.
part sugar sized carib sea sand (chrushed agronite)
carib sea black and white
black deco sand
caribsea tahitian moon black fine sand
no crushed coral or anything like that all fine to small grade sands. really like the black in it so really it was whatever i could find to fill the tank and then some from various friends.

Looks good though kind of a salt and pepper look