210g Reef Tank Pictures 08.02.07


efishnsea,If you wouldent mind me asking,roughly,how much do you estimate you have spent on corals?I love your tank and would like a rough estimate of how much it costs to make a tank look that good.Thx in advance


Active Member
Ugh, you make me want a larger tank SOOO bad. Its absolutely georgeous!!!

Where do you shop? Ocean's Below?
Awesome acro growth!!


Dammm, that's some nice and fast grow....Did you fee them steroids??

Are you using calcium reactor or just manually dosing?
Very nice tank......Sweet~~~~


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
That is a very very nice tank.
The pictures don't do it justice, I but it looks 100x better in person. It looks great in the pictures... Put your camera on a tripod and take a few without the flash..
Thanks, the first pics are w/o flash on tripod and the whole tank shots are w/flash, good eye

I'll post some whole tank w/o flash tonight....


Active Member
Your whole tank is HOT! Acro growth is amazing, but what knocks me out is the Ric. ranch you have. The saturation/white balance in the pictures don't do them justice. I was guessing the third picture in first post was with a flash, I based this off the whole tank shots that have flash marks on the tank frame in post 11 and the shadows at the bottom of the third pic..


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Your whole tank is HOT! Acro growth is amazing, but what knocks me out is the Ric. ranch you have. The saturation/white balance in the pictures don't do them justice. I was guessing the third picture in first post was with a flash, I based this off the whole tank shots that have flash marks on the tank frame in post 11 and the shades at the bottom of the third pic..
Yep your right, the third pic is w flash
. Good eye again.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
i have to say tht ur tank is absolutly amazing.
it must be nice to be able to see that everyday.
so tell me whats the secret to having a tank like this besides having money?

well i wish u the best of luck with it and please feel free to keep posting pics..

Thanks, Here is my secret
I have found that the KISS(Keep is Simple...) method is working well for me. The 210g All Glass Aquariumk is 2.5 years old. I lost my 75gal to Frances and Jeanne but manage to save the rock and some corals that now inhabit the 210g. The tank has approx 600-700lbs of live rock, "the center shelf weighs 75lbs". I have a basic flow/filter system. The water is filtered over the blue/white filter pads via overflow in the sump. It is then skimmed with a berlin and returned to the tank with two external magnetig drive pondmaster pumps giving me approx 2000g/hr. An Artica 1/3hp chiller has kept the temp at 80 for the past 1.5years, I used to keep it a 77 and heard that 80 is just fine and it saves some $ not having the chiller running every 30min....and everyone in the tank seems happy with it as well.
I use 3-250w 10k Coralvue MH's with 4-96w 460nm actinicts.
9:00am Actinicts on
10:30am MH's on
10:30pm MH'soff
12:30am Actinicts off
I know that seems long but I have always used a longer actinict period, even in my previous tanks and it seems not to be affecting the corals....I'm always up late and that is how that started.
I change out 30 gal with natural sea water taken from the Jupiter Inlet or when I have extra time I'll take the boat out to the Gulfstream and get it from there. I have done two changes this year and am trying my hardest to do it more often. Prior to that I did not do a change for the first 1.5 years. I know I got lazy. I had a few algae problems which were taken care of via fish and extra creatures.....Check out one of my first posts on SWF "wire algae" I keep the water balanced using Natureef's Alkalinty and Hardness Plus. That guy Adlof(sp) in S. Fla developed it and I really think it is a perfect product. I am adding approx 70ml a day of each to keep the parameters at the following. Oh yea...Every couple of months or so I have to lower the sal. as it rises with these additions, not much i just remove about 5gal and replace it with fresh.
Sal. 1.025
Ph 8.2pm 7.9am
Alk 8.3dKH
Ca 425ppm
Mg 1300ppm
I also have only a few fish. And limit my feeding to twice weekly, as there is plenty to eat off of the reef.
Clarki Clown
Yellow Tang
Corris Wrase
Flame Angle
Black Cap Basslet
Blond Naso Tang
Fire Fish
8 year old LTA which spawned last year.
approx 150 blue leggies
approx 50 turbos


Active Member
so you don't run carbon or nothing? Oh by the way love the ric section. hands down the best part of your tank imo


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Dammm, that's some nice and fast grow....Did you fee them steroids??

Are you using calcium reactor or just manually dosing?
Very nice tank......Sweet~~~~

Natureefs two part


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
so you don't run carbon or nothing? Oh by the way love the ric section. hands down the best part of your tank imo
No carbon etc., the water is skimmed and drained down blue/white filter pads in the sump. Thanks for the comments!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by GatorWPB
Ugh, you make me want a larger tank SOOO bad. Its absolutely georgeous!!!

Where do you shop? Ocean's Below?
Awesome acro growth!!
Thanks.......Yea Rob at Oceans Below gets some of the rics for me. The Coral Reefer by the airport IMO is the acro man in town he gets direct from Bali, Jakarta etc. Rob over at Coral Sea also has some nice stuff


Active Member
Gota love the simple method....Who says you need tons of expensive equipment to have a tank as stunning as yours. Couple of months ago I purchased ca reactor, stirrer, blah blah, I just got rid of it all and went back to just keeping a clean tank using basic reefkeeping skills, good skimming and lights...... Nice looking tank, I really love that huge piece of LR that you use for the bridge, you get a lot of anerobic out of a piece that big.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Gota love the simple method....Who says you need tons of expensive equipment to have a tank as stunning as yours. Couple of months ago I purchased ca reactor, stirrer, blah blah, I just got rid of it all and went back to just keeping a clean tank using basic reefkeeping skills, good skimming and lights...... Nice looking tank, I really love that huge piece of LR that you use for the bridge, you get a lot of anerobic out of a piece that big.
Thanks.....Its enough work by itself without all of the extras and it seems to being doing fine without them. I think all of the extra LR really helps!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
efishnsea,If you wouldent mind me asking,roughly,how much do you estimate you have spent on corals?I love your tank and would like a rough estimate of how much it costs to make a tank look that good.Thx in advance
Uhhh, well I'm not really sure, a small fortune


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
Thanks.......Yea Rob at Oceans Below gets some of the rics for me. The Coral Reefer by the airport IMO is the acro man in town he gets direct from Bali, Jakarta etc. Rob over at Coral Sea also has some nice stuff
Ive gotta check out Coral Reefer. Rob at OCeans Below is great, Ive bought several acros and fish from him. And I bought my tank and lights and most of my corals from Coral Sea and they service my tank when Im out of town. We're lucky to have so many good stores around.
Natureef 2-part is the best!! Ive been so happy since switching from B-ionic to Natureef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by anamilasti
wow love the tank,
what is ur lighting setup?
and how to you attach your rics?
Thanks, 3-250 10k mh's 4-96w 460nm actinicts. I buy them already attached


Wow amazing tank. One of the nicest I've seen online for sure. If you still want that red gorg let me know I still have it.