21st Birthday Present


Well since the last posts alot of things have changed in the tank. I removed the HI fin Goby because he had this nasty tendancy to jump out of the back of the tank. I also replaced the HOB since the one that came with the tank was junk and I had to replace it multiple times. I replaced it with an Aqua Clear 10 and I get about 20 more gph.
I have this video thats pretty old, since then my duncan has about 9 heads on it now and my rics have split off into the sand. I am in the process of moving my tanks so as soon as I get things settled I will get some better pictures and videos up, especialy since I have a better camera to use.



Yeah I have been wanting to add a paor of sexy shrimp or a fire shrimp. I am just worried though that my pistols will kill them. They have already killed two hermits that went into there tunnels.


Active Member
Even in my 65g I still find my sexy shrimp to be engaging, I think in a pico they would be great.....and you don't have to feed them anything else's FEET! :)