24 gallon aquapod


Active Member
Honestly if you are even THINKING about getting the upgrade hood ever....buy it now. I WISH I would have bought it outright instead of waiting. You will want it and will buy it eventually, if you have the money and the means now, DO IT! thats just MO of course but I think that you will regret it if you don't!!!


thanks thats probly what i'll do,by the way where could i buy just the hood all ive seen is the whole set and if its a competitor site you can e-mail at any time(clydetheferocious@hotmail.com)


Originally Posted by paintballer768
I wish it was that easy, but that would cause a electrical short and it might shock your tank and you. There are mods available for the hood for HQI MH lighting. I could pm you something if you'd like. Much cheaper than buying a whole new fixture, but you have to be good with electrical tools and such.
what does pm mean???????


Originally Posted by paintballer768
I wish it was that easy, but that would cause a electrical short and it might shock your tank and you. There are mods available for the hood for HQI MH lighting. I could pm you something if you'd like. Much cheaper than buying a whole new fixture, but you have to be good with electrical tools and such.
ok sounds good i am good with all kinds of tools


I put the 144 watt PC (2 36W daylight 2 36W actinic) upgrade on my aquapod and the corals are looking great. The water temp stays 78 with out a chiller and the colors are good although I liked the dual spectrum actinics better than the single....the installation was a little more difficult than I expected but not unreasonable....I don't care for anemones, but this mod looks like it would provide sufficient light


actinic is a blue light, or yea, i dont know the exact definition, but its a bluer light, unlike the normal color light


thanks nemo 66,does anyone have a 24 gallon aquapod with the normal 2/32 watt lights and if you do will you send pictures???????that would be greatly appreciated


diatom algae is a type of brown algae that makes your tank dirty. its a pest. im not an expert with diatoms, but its like brown algae(or it is) and i have no clue how to get rid of it. i never had a problem with it..


that's what i went by when i first started my tank. my tank is now one year and 3 months old.
PS. i don't think many people would approve of that way of knowing that your tank is cycled. once you do get a diatom bloom, go and test your water and see the parameters.


Active Member
You know your tank is cycled by testing your water. 0 Amonia, is the key indicator here, once that hits 0 you can add live stock. Other tests that should be done as part of your mainenance are, Nitrate, Nitrite, pH, and Salinity. Also keeping an eye on your temperature and take notice of any substantial swings in temperature from morning to evening.
Diatoms show up when a tank is set up and running. As to when to expect them? That cannot be given a time line, they will show up as part of the growing pains of a newly set up aquarium. However after this process is complete you should see this bloom disapear. If it does not go away in a few weeks there are other things to consider that could be a cause as to why. Using tap water instead of RO water, over feeding too many nutrients in the water. Hope this helps...


so when ammonia reaches 0 do i still nedd to test it every time i test everything else????and how often do i need to check everything else?????