24 gallon aquapod


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
so when ammonia reaches 0 do i still nedd to test it every time i test everything else????and how often do i need to check everything else?????
Typically no, if you manage to achieve 0 nitrates thats a bonus and something you should stive for. However a lot of people dont see 0 trates its not a bad thing. IMO if your trates start to climb into the 20+ area I would start to get concerned about the possibility of some amonia. Testing your water regularly in the begining of setting your aquarium will help you determine the schedule of your nitrate cycle and once that learning curve is understood the need to test for amonia becomes less of a necessity. IMO.
You are talking about a nano tank and a 10 gal one at that. There is if any very little room for error. Until you have 100% confidence in your tank and everything is running well. I would always test for everything, it is just good practice and with a system that small things will happen fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
and if i set up a nano would i need a quarantine tank?????and how much would it cost?????

Unless you can observe your fish for 3 weeks in your FS before taking it home, IMO Yes you always want a QT. ESPECIALLY if you are planning on a reef tank. Nothing special for a QT tank, you can use a rubber maid bin with a HOB filter and a heater. Let it cycle as you would your regular tank and have it for a QT tank. Prob out of pocket cost would be in the $75 to $80.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
does nobody listen to me anymore??????

Not everyone is on the same time zone as you man. You need to give us time to get on and respond..
A HOB is a hang on the back filter.. typical filter that you would buy at your LFS, aka local fish store.


so that would work as a quarantine filter????? so what kind of tank for a quarintine????and does it need lights?????


Active Member
In my above post I mentioned that a rubber maid container can be used as a tank. However if you want to use a fish tank I wouldnt get anything smaller than a 10 gal. Bare bottom tank no substrate material with some sort of fake coral or something your fish can hide in and feel safe.
No it doesnt have to be lit but its a good idea, as this tank is also used to get your fish used to your light cycle, you in general, your voice, feeding schedule etc. The more comfortable they are the better they will adapt to the DT when its time to put them in it.


so all i will need is a rubbermaid container/10 gallon one hob filter a heater and maybe some lights?????oh yea does it matter what kind of hob? and how long is a fish supposed to be kept in there??


Active Member
Well the more filtration the better IMO I would go for a filter for a 30Gal tank I always go bigger. Any light will do clamp on style just something for the fish to get used to seeing on and off and for you to observe the fish. Typically QT new inhabitants is about 3 weeks. Problems dont always make themselves present right away, so waiting 3 weeks ensures you are adding a health fish to your DT. As far as the type of filter the bio wheel types are just fine.


Active Member
It doesnt matter your not propogating coral growth you just want to see your fish and have it get used to some what of a light cycle. A 60 watt house bulb in a dome clamp lamp will do just fine. Just be careful it doesnt drop in the container.. LOL


oh i found a 10 gallon with an hob filter and i lights i think its a freshwater setup but would that work as a qt????and how often would i need to change the water??????


Active Member
Yep it will work just fine. Just wash it out really well, use white vinigar. Depends on how many fish you will have in QT at one time. If you have 3 to 4 fish in there then evey 2 to 3 days you should do a 1 gal change. If you have one in there at a time then 2 gal's a week should be ok. Thats what I do, when I do a water change on my DT I do one on my QT tank.