24 gallon aquapod


Active Member
You say 32w does that mean in total or what? Give a little more info and I could tell you for the most part!


Active Member
And to help, Im not sure if each light is 32 watts or thats in total. To be safe with any anemone, I would recommend doing the lighting to MH. Its feasable in the PC lighting we have. I would say that if youre going to buy one and thats what you really want, put it in the tank as one of your first additions and let it find its favorite spot before you add much more. Its gunna move around to the spot it thinks its best suited, and it may sting any existing corals along the way x_x


no way in hell would you or should you put MH on a 24 gallon biocube, if it has 2 PCs at 32 watts your ok to put a anomone in there, nano tanks dont require high powered lighting sence they arnt very deep


Active Member
I unfortunatly totally disagree with that. 2 36w PC lights on a 24g tank is less than 3w per gallon. An anemone needs to have at least 4 to survive for long periods. Watts per gallon are not even a great way to say if your lighting is enough to sustain an anemone. The stock lighting on this tank will let the anemone survive for a little while but it will then slowly die. They require HIGH levels of light to not bleach and PERFECT water conditions. I have 150w 14k HQI and 2 18w PC lights on my 24g nano cube and that is great for it. If you can't do SPS you can't do an anemone IMO!


watts per gallon is no way to judge lighting. but anemones need super strong lighting + they need lots of room atleast a 55g tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SAMBASAM
watts per gallon is no way to judge lighting. but anemones need super strong lighting + they need lots of room atleast a 55g tank.


New Member
but peef i saw pictures of your'e nano and you had a bta(at least thats what i thought it was
) oh and its an 24 gallon aquapod aquarium kit w/2-32watt power compact(thats exactly what it said)at ***************** please do not post competitor sites.


Active Member
Originally Posted by weasel117
and paintballer im sorry for getting mad at you(really bad day
Yea its fine. The whole HQI/MH thing is kind of tricky. If you'd like to do an anemone, I would say rather than slowly waste your money, upgrade. Im going to hold off myself on the lighting upgrade, but hopefully at the holidays be able to upgrade something. Also, I would kind of wait some time, a few months or so, to make sure your tank is running good and consistent and have all major issues out of the way before you add anemones.
So besides the money, you might want to consider a chiller if you see a spike in water temperature. I would say when you do get a lighting upgrade (or if), check the water temperature every day after it for a bit, and if it goes up too high you might need to get a chiller. Those can get quite expensive as well =/. Something that helps, but I dont know how effective it is, is hanging the MH fixture about 6 inches or so from the surface of the water. That gives time for the heat to kinda cool, and be a little less effective, but not too noticeable. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
HQI are the smaller Halide bulbs.
I didnt even know that, I thought they were the same thing