
Active Member
Due to the writers strike will not air. Is this good or bad for the show? What are your thoughts? Theses are some of mine
A good plot?
More time to think about the show?
I miss the show!!

bang guy

I'm going to miss the show because I really enjoy it. I doubt I will ever enjoy the show as much as I used to, or any TV show for that matter, because of my distaste for what the writers are doing.


Active Member
they aren't doing anything more than what happened with radio being played over the internet and all the advertisers not wanting to pay more because the market went up.
i just hope lost is decent...would be a huge let down to finally catch up with the current season via dvd, only to have a lame 4th season.
i don't honestly see why the writers should get paid so little, when the "talent" gets millions per episode.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'm going to miss the show because I really enjoy it. I doubt I will ever enjoy the show as much as I used to, or any TV show for that matter, because of my distaste for what the writers are doing.
well if you think about it the writers do ALOT of the hard work and are not given enuf credit.

bang guy

They're hired to do a job. If they're not happy with the compensation then they shouldn't have accepted the job.


Active Member
The problem is not pay it is they are not get compensated for internet,dvd and other thing that where not in the original contract with the writers which the are racking into the cash with cause the tv ratings are droping and the other are increasing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They're hired to do a job. If they're not happy with the compensation then they shouldn't have accepted the job.
Its not about them accepting the job, its the new forms of media that their product is now playing on which wasn't around during the last contract talks in the early 90's. DVDs and more importantly internet downloads and how to compensate them for that. If you should have a problem with anyone it is the producers. They are not talent (in Hollywood terms), they are just networking in the system and from what I hear it is the producers that have been holding up negotiations.

bang guy

It's not the pay you say, it's the compensation?
I call BS. They can afford to not work while thousands in the industry are now unemployed, directly because of their actions, losing their houses, cars, going bankrupt, etc. They're actions are selfish and dispicable.
Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.


Active Member
this is my all time favorite show. watched it since season 1. but, i feel that last season was a disappointment. the writers need to come up with something new, and needs to get over the mules inside the gov.
bad or good thing about not airing this season?
well for me id say its a good thing, considering if i did watch it i wouldnt be able to finish the season because of my 2 year departure for Argentina.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It's not the pay you say, it's the compensation?
I call BS. They can afford to not work while thousands in the industry are now unemployed, directly because of their actions, losing their houses, cars, going bankrupt, etc. They're actions are selfish and dispicable.
Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

that can be said of ANYONE who strikes though...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They're hired to do a job. If they're not happy with the compensation then they shouldn't have accepted the job.
Here you give them a choice of accept the compensation or refuse the job. Well they are refusing the job right now.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy

It's not the pay you say, it's the compensation?
I call BS. They can afford to not work while thousands in the industry are now unemployed, directly because of their actions, losing their houses, cars, going bankrupt, etc. They're actions are selfish and dispicable.
Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.
Now here you want them to work to satisfy the grips, talents, lightening, directors, etc. so that they can make a living. Which is it? Are you truly against the writers or are you just anti-union? Once again, everything I have read and been told is that its the producers and networks that are being greedy.

bang guy

Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Here you give them a choice of accept the compensation or refuse the job. Well they are refusing the job right now.
They're not refusing the job, they accepted the job, they are not doing the work they contracted to do that goes with the job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They're not refusing the job, they accepted the job, they are not doing the work they contracted to do that goes with the job.
That contract has expired so they have the free will to negotiate a new contract. So they are not refusing to do work they were contracted for because there is no valid contract right now. Striking is a last resort and not all writers are rolling in money. In a CNN.com article today it is stated that each shows writing team gets anywhere from $500K to $2MM to share among the team for the seasons work. A team (by my guess / knowledge) can consist of anywhere from 2 to 20 writers, so that pot can get divided up pretty quickly.


Regardless!! when is 24 going to AIR ??
IMO I think it's good because who wants to watch a season dragged out over 18 months 1 episode every 3 weeks..with endless breaks...this strike is ruining my life.


I don't care when it comes on as long as it does that way I can get it later on dvd. I'm addicted to the show too much to wait a week between episodes. One time my girlfriend and I watched 15 in one day. Plus this gives me time to watch season 6.


Originally Posted by choog
I don't care when it comes on as long as it does that way I can get it later on dvd. I'm addicted to the show too much to wait a week between episodes. One time my girlfriend and I watched 15 in one day. Plus this gives me time to watch season 6.
I watched season 2 and 3 in 72 hours!! at time my eyes burnt so much i got dazzed and almost fainted!!


This show and prison break are the only reasons i even care about the writers strike. From what i have read and understand they are not doing anything terrible or asking for something they aren't really entitled to. Why should the actors get paid 10's of thousands of dollars (sometimes more) per episode (not to mention residual payments for use of their likeness) when the writers are really the ones that make or break the show. (Has anyone seen CSI-miami the acting is absolutely horrible but the show is extremely popular.)
People like Conan,Jay Leno (even though i cant stand him personally) and Jimmy Kimmel are the ones doing the right thing. They are supporting the writers but have still put their shows back on the air to support the rest of their crew.


Active Member
Well just to add. The strike is over. Not sure when 24 will air or what is going to happen. They may just start over again. Most likely going to return next year.