240 on the way...Finally!!!


Active Member
Well I have been without a saltwater tank for just over a year after moving here from S. Carolina and leaving my tank and inhabitants behind with a friend....Finally got one on order today from Tenecor (local acrylic builders here in Phoenix). Should be done on the 28th of January. Primary inhabitants will be from the Trigger, Angel, Puffer, Eel, and Tang families....of course.

Thanks to Srfisher and especially CCampbell
and anyone else that helped advise on the set-up.


Thats GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to hear you are finally getting it!


Active Member
Sounds realy cool. With a 240g you should have a lot of stocking options. Is it a reef-ready type tank or what do you plan on using for filtration?


Sounds like its gonna be awesome, please keep us posted on updates!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Sounds realy cool. With a 240g you should have a lot of stocking options. Is it a reef-ready type tank or what do you plan on using for filtration?
It will be FOWLR and have a sump/refugium, my first time with a refugium as my previous had a trickle down wet/dry. Will have a large Skimmer (Aqua C EV with mag 12 pump), and a Emperor Aquatics UV sterilizer, Mag 18 on the returns...Plan to do around 150 lbs of LR total for now.
My proposed stock list changes daily...I am 99% sure that a Male and Female Bluethroat Trigger will be the first additions, and that a Porky Puffer will be in at some point (my wife's demand).


Active Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Well I have been without a saltwater tank for just over a year after moving here from S. Carolina and leaving my tank and inhabitants behind with a friend....Finally got one on order today from Tenecor (local acrylic builders here in Phoenix). Should be done on the 28th of January. Primary inhabitants will be from the Trigger, Angel, Puffer, Eel, and Tang families....of course.

Thanks to Srfisher and especially CCampbell
and anyone else that helped advise on the set-up.
Thanks for the props KJR! I can't wait to see your tank unfold!
Oh...and your stocklist will never stay 100%. Mine still changes. Hence the reason that I am getting a BIGGER tank!!!!


I am so exited to see this tank go up!
Do you have a stock list of some kind for the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
It will be FOWLR and have a sump/refugium, my first time with a refugium as my previous had a trickle down wet/dry. Will have a large Skimmer (Aqua C EV with mag 12 pump), and a Emperor Aquatics UV sterilizer, Mag 18 on the returns...Plan to do around 150 lbs of LR total for now.
My proposed stock list changes daily...I am 99% sure that a Male and Female Bluethroat Trigger will be the first additions, and that a Porky Puffer will be in at some point (my wife's demand).
Sweet. You're going to need more live rock, IMO.
More live rock, sand, and any cheato or mud in the refegiuem, the more stable the tank will be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I am so exited to see this tank go up!
Do you have a stock list of some kind for the tank?
LOL, up to the minute stock list...in order
M & F Bluethroat Trig
Maroon Clown
Porky Puffer
Emperor and French Angels (juvi's introduced together)
Sohal Tang (still iffy on this fish with the bad rep)
Goldentail Moray
Probably 6-8 months total
subject to change in the next 10 minutes


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Sweet. You're going to need more live rock, IMO.
More live rock, sand, and any cheato or mud in the refegiuem, the more stable the tank will be.
Yeah, I know the whole 1lb per gallon reccommendation, I do like a semi-open tank though, more can easily be added.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
LOL, up to the minute stock list...in order
M & F Bluethroat Trig
Maroon Clown
Porky Puffer
Emperor and French Angels (juvi's introduced together)
Sohal Tang (still iffy on this fish with the bad rep)
Goldentail Moray
Probably 6-8 months total
subject to change in the next 10 minutes

Love the idea of the Sohal Tang!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Yeah, I know the whole 1lb per gallon reccommendation, I do like a semi-open tank though, more can easily be added.
You don't need to fill the tank up, but just a nice back wall full of live rock would be nice. Or you can add the live rock to the sump too.
Just get as much live stuff as you can to stable your tank. Not that a tank that size will be too unstable, but once it's filled up with aggressive fish, the stability will help.


Active Member
Just get a big enough sump to put the lr in the bottom. With those messy fish, the more bioload the better.


Active Member
Sweet congrats!!
Several notes:
-Add More LR
- Use a Mag 18 on your EV-240. I'm using a 12 now and will be upgrading to an 18 this weekend.
- Another fish not on your list is a Wrasse of some type. Active swimmers, easy feeders, and very colorful.
- Use a bigger return pump than the Mag 18...think Sequence Dart.
Here's my 240 stock list for comparision (of course I can't do trig's or Puff's due to lion and eels)
Queen Angel
Blond Naso Tang
Volitan Lion
Maroon Clown
Yellow Tang
Aust Harliquen Tusk
Large SFE
CC star (given to me but good for eating scraps)
and as soon they get a little bigger in my 75g I will add:
Red Coris Wrasse
Golden Moray
Your gonna LOVE the 240..but dread water change and cleaning time. Expect 1-2 days to make water and 3hrs to clean, change filters, and clean skimmer.
I use a 60g trash can to make water with a powerhead and heater for several days before each Water Change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
Sweet congrats!!
Several notes:
-Add More LR
- Use a Mag 18 on your EV-240. I'm using a 12 now and will be upgrading to an 18 this weekend.
- Another fish not on your list is a Wrasse of some type. Active swimmers, easy feeders, and very colorful.
- Use a bigger return pump than the Mag 18...think Sequence Dart.
Here's my 240 stock list for comparision (of course I can't do trig's or Puff's due to lion and eels)
Queen Angel
Blond Naso Tang
Volitan Lion
Maroon Clown
Yellow Tang
Aust Harliquen Tusk
Large SFE
CC star (given to me but good for eating scraps)
and as soon they get a little bigger in my 75g I will add:
Red Coris Wrasse
Golden Moray
Your gonna LOVE the 240..but dread water change and cleaning time. Expect 1-2 days to make water and 3hrs to clean, change filters, and clean skimmer.
I use a 60g trash can to make water with a powerhead and heater for several days before each Water Change.
Thanks Harley, I love your tank.
As of right now I have $500 set aside for live rock and have a good connection here that I should be able to get about 150lbs. My previous tank had 0, I can add more down the road
As far as equipment, I have kind deferred to my friend at Tenecor, he has been setting up tanks for 15+ years, and even owned a LFS here in Phoenix for 3 years....I value everyones opinion here (thats why I hang out here), but his background is pretty solid.
A Wrasse goes in and out of my stock list...I loved my Lunare (or as you call them Lunatic Wrasse), and am leaning toward maybe a Sunset Wrasse...I will be watching to see how your Coris does...Great fish though.
I plan to do a 10% water change every week...I have never used RO water, maybe someday...Treated tap water has always worked just fine for me, I always let it sit a few days as reccommended by Bob Fenner's book.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Thanks Harley, I love your tank.
As of right now I have $500 set aside for live rock and have a good connection here that I should be able to get about 150lbs. My previous tank had 0, I can add more down the road
As far as equipment, I have kind deferred to my friend at Tenecor, he has been setting up tanks for 15+ years, and even owned a LFS here in Phoenix for 3 years....I value everyones opinion here (thats why I hang out here), but his background is pretty solid.
A Wrasse goes in and out of my stock list...I loved my Lunare (or as you call them Lunatic Wrasse), and am leaning toward maybe a Sunset Wrasse...I will be watching to see how your Coris does...Great fish though.
I plan to do a 10% water change every week...I have never used RO water, maybe someday...Treated tap water has always worked just fine for me, I always let it sit a few days as reccommended by Bob Fenner's book.
Lunitic Wrasse might be a bit of an understatement. hehe. They are awesome fish, but mine hassles everthing, I think ophiura said she had one in a several 1000 gallon tank who seems to like to eat yellow tangs eyes. And that was in a HUGE tank.
You know a ro system is pretty cheap and has cut down on my scrubbing the sides of my tanks to every couple of weeks from every couple of days. And that might be something to think about since you won't be able to have much of a cleaning crew with your fish selection. Especially if you get a wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Lunitic Wrasse might be a bit of an understatement. hehe. They are awesome fish, but mine hassles everthing, I think ophiura said she had one in a several 1000 gallon tank who seems to like to eat yellow tangs eyes. And that was in a HUGE tank.
You know a ro system is pretty cheap and has cut down on my scrubbing the sides of my tanks to every couple of weeks from every couple of days. And that might be something to think about since you won't be able to have much of a cleaning crew with your fish selection. Especially if you get a wrasse.
That darn Ophiura...She likened the Sohal Tang (which I really really want) to a Queen Trigger
She knows her stuff, so that scared even more. My Lunare hasseled my Naso and Niger, but my Achilles Tang kept him in line...Supposedly the Sunset is a little less aggressive, may consider a Harl Tusk.
I am sure an RO is going to happen eventually...Just not a priority....So you think it cuts down the algae growth substantially huh? My rather large UV should help a lot with that.


Active Member
If you are looking for a wrasse you could try a paddlefin, similar coloration to a sunset but much less aggressive, I have one in my 220 and he doesn't bother anyone, even gets along with my tusk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
That darn Ophiura...She likened the Sohal Tang (which I really really want) to a Queen Trigger
She knows her stuff, so that scared even more. My Lunare hasseled my Naso and Niger, but my Achilles Tang kept him in line...Supposedly the Sunset is a little less aggressive, may consider a Harl Tusk.
I am sure an RO is going to happen eventually...Just not a priority....So you think it cuts down the algae growth substantially huh? My rather large UV should help a lot with that.
Now that being said, I've been fortunate I haven't had the agression that others have had with fish. My Puffer hasn't made a snack of my small damsels, my damsels aren't demons, my dwarf angels don't fight. Even my wrasse gets along with everything now. He did eat the eyeball out of my lawnmower, I could have saved him, but I wasn't able to keep water quality good enough for him in the QT tank. I think Mutually Assured Destruction helps with my fish.
As for the RO/DI, it does. And helped with my problems with water quality. Once I switched I never had any problems with NO3 any more too. I decided to switch, after I tested my tap, and got an ammonia reading off the charts pasted 8, No2 and NO3 were very high as well. And within 3 months of switching (I just did normal water changes to replace the water) I stopped having to vac the argonite too.