240 on the way...Finally!!!


Active Member
Congrats, I can just imagine the busy weekend you have had...plumbing, washing, filling, etc. That kind of fun makes an 8hr winter day go by so fast.
Congrats again. Pics, Pics, pics!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
Congrats, I can just imagine the busy weekend you have had...plumbing, washing, filling, etc. That kind of fun makes an 8hr winter day go by so fast.
Congrats again. Pics, Pics, pics!

Thanks Harley, if you see this, please check out my thread in the lighting, equip forum....? about the Aqua C EV which I know you have.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
LOL, up to the minute stock list...in order
M & F Bluethroat Trig
Maroon Clown
Porky Puffer
Emperor and French Angels (juvi's introduced together)
Sohal Tang (still iffy on this fish with the bad rep)
Goldentail Moray
Probably 6-8 months total
subject to change in the next 10 minutes

You still liking this stock or did you change it???

If you changed it I want to see the new one!


Active Member
Can't wait to see its progress. Being without a tank stinks, doesn't it? With our post-Katrina move, my 2 kids adjusted right away. I was crabby until I had FISH.


Active Member
In a bit of a holding pattern right now. The fellow that "designed" (for lack of a better word) my system was fired (for lack of a nicer word) the day before I picked up the system. At this point it dosen't seem the Aqua C EV 240 we selected is the best skimmer for the sump. The guy that designed it had a modification in mind to make it work
. Anyway, may do a different skimmer (ETSS 800 from AE Tech) externally from the sump, just waiting on a price for the upgrade.
My goal is to be filling it up by Monday...May not happen though, my damn job keeps getting in the way too



Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Speak for your self . I am lacking patientce and wanna see pictures already !!!!

Ok, I
(I guess the only nice person on this forum) will bare with you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Speak for your self . I am lacking patientce and wanna see pictures already !!!!

yeah really! excuses, excuses.... you put up all they hype and left us hangin
well, until then, good luck with it all. I guess it's better to do it slow and right than to rush and do it wrong... sigh...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Well its best to do it FAST AND RIGHT . I WANT PICTURES ! ! !
"Fast and right" is tough logic to argue with. I'll be informing my kids of their new motto as soon as they're home from school today.


Active Member
I personally don't believe KJR until I see pics. I mean for all we know he is trying to cycle his 20g to put in a Achillies tang!!!
Time is a ticken Kirk!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I personally don't believe KJR until I see pics. I mean for all we know he is trying to cycle his 20g to put in a Achillies tang!!!
Time is a ticken Kirk!!!
I thought the 20 gal was cycled and the Achille's was just to keep Purple Tang company.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I thought the 20 gal was cycled and the Achille's was just to keep Purple Tang company.
Its actually 25 gallon...My 2 year old thinks our Gold Gourami (Goldey is currently in the 25 gallon) should get the 240 gallon, so thats what I will do. Then I will turn the 25 into salt and keep the stock list I had proposed for the 240

Ok, the skimmer issue is solved, I will bring the sump back to Tenecor Monday, they will drop the baffels on the sump a few inches and do a 2 inch stand for the skimmer to stand on, thus allowing the Aqua C EV 240 skimmer to work to its fullest potential. I plan to start plumbing this afternoon after work, I will start a new thread with pictures and what not.
WHAT? You have a 240 gal aquarium and you ARENT using that for saltwater? You will regret that huge aquariums are AWESOME in saltwater.. Gold gouramis are a dime a dozen don't you want some really cool fish like eels and rays and groupers?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ChrgerOnDavins
WHAT? You have a 240 gal aquarium and you ARENT using that for saltwater? You will regret that huge aquariums are AWESOME in saltwater.. Gold gouramis are a dime a dozen don't you want some really cool fish like eels and rays and groupers?

I was only joking...Of course it will be Saltwater, I am turning the 25 into a QT....Goldey's gonna have to find a new home


Active Member
Dont let KJR fool you...he is looking to put a Black tip reef shark in the 240 and has a plan to "maybe" upgrade to a 350 later when the shark is 4'+


Active Member
I think you'll love the Aqua-C skimmer. I've got 3 different skimmers from them running and can't find a single thing to gripe about. Their tech support is great, I'm a tech-idiot, don't hesitate to call with any plumbing problems---they walked me through a few things. I'm sure "Goldy" will love her new home! (When my 18 yr old son was about 4, he had some dwarf Gouramis in his room. I remember telling him how they breathed air and could probably live for ever in the toilet. An hour or so later, he came out and asked "Dad, can they live in the sewer?") Yep, he flushed them and they're probably still living.