24g Nano cube


Can you guys please tell me 1 cool aggressive fish I can put in this tank. The whole Nemo thing dosen't work for me. Any suggestions???


If you don't like the 'nemo' fish, try like a maroon clownfish. Mine is pretty darn aggressive. For a while he was on this kick where anytime I leaned down to look at 'his area' of the tank he would pick up sand and spit it at the glass.


Active Member
One ciniamon clown and a six-line wrasse would be cool, though stock filtration wouldn't be quite enough. Add a remote fuge/dsb and it should be gravy.


Try a wartskin angler they are agressive different and they stay small. They can be different colors like in the pics but they only get 4 inches



Active Member
how about a dwarf lion, i had one a while back that was the most awsome fish ever, i know it was dangerous but everytime i had my hand in the tank she would pertch on my arm, she would fallow me around when i would walk by, man i really miss that fish, they stay small but make sure you see it eat befor you get it


Originally Posted by iampumpkinman
Have you seen the price on these things?
Good looking fish, but I saw them online for $179.99

Sorry didn't know there was a price limit it was the coolest aggersive fish that can go in a reef tank that I could think of.


This is just a standard FOWLR tank. A dwarf lion sounds really cool. Would I be able to put anything else in there with him? Right now all I have in there is 10 bl hermits, 5 snails, and 2 emeralds. What would it eat?? My clean up crew?


i would do krill or sliver sides i will ask a guy tommarow about dwarf lion fish with snails and crabs he knows more about them then i do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spector101
Try a wartskin angler they are agressive different and they stay small. They can be different colors like in the pics but they only get 4 inches
That would be a pretty unique tank. I'd come see it.


i ask the guy about dwarf lionfish with snails and crabs and he said that he wouldn't suggest doing it because the lionfish will probally eat them.


I would not suggest a dwarf lion in a 24g, these are messy fish that produce quite a bit of waste, it will be tough to keep your water quality in check.