28 Gallon JBJ HQI or LED?


I am trying to decide which of these I want to buy can someone tell me what they would recommend? The price isn't the issue. Thank you!


If I did MH I would have to replace the bulb and also how is the heat on the aquarium? Do you have a JBJ HQI?


Active Member

i got a 24g, and a 150w MH. i took hood off can got fan blowing over the top and no heat issues
Same exact set up as him, with no issues in 6 years. And yes replace bulb every 10-14 months.... I do a year personally, with phoenix bulbs.


I'm waiting for some Par38 LED's to come into my LFS. They'll last forever, give great lighting and no heat at all. I can't wait!


I went with the JBJ LED MT-601 89 watt model which is said to be able to support med-high light corals and has comparable PAR to the halides. There were two different models. One was for low - med ligh corals which was the LED MT-603 and the other was the one that I got. I haven't recieved it yet though. The reason I went with the LED set up was that I live in Southern California so it is always pretty warm and I like the 50,000 hours of time (10 years at 10 hours a day) I can put on the LEDs without replacing them not to mention that I would probably have to get a chiller to keep the temps down. I got this set up because it came with a wave maker, protein skimmer, and stand for $699.00.


Thanks Nano I am sure that I will be hitting you up because you seem to be the guy with the Nano knowledge. I just hope these people send me some shipping info soon. I ordered it Sunday and haven't gotten any emails telling me that they had shipped it yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for some Par38 LED's to come into my LFS. They'll last forever, give great lighting and no heat at all. I can't wait!
You will enjoy this bulb man. I have the ecoexotic 20k one and im getting another. Only thing is u have to raise em up a lil high to get decent spread. I think the orphek par38 bulb that just came out has a better spread but i dont know in person or anything!


The good thing that I have noticed about JBJ is that they always take customer feedback and do something with it. They added a second pump to the system so there is a pump on each return instead of one pump powering both returns 532 GPH total. I will check it out and see if it needs more circulation and if it does I will add a Koralia power head to help with the circulation. They have also added a section for the protein skimmer to be housed out of sight as well as a 3 chamber mechanical filtration area one for the sponge, one for the ceramic bio things, and one for carbon or LR or chaeto etc. You can order a small LED light for the back area so you can do a refugium if you would like as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WaRgAsM http:///forum/thread/386042/28g-jbj-hqi-or-28-gal-jbj-led#post_3388960
The good thing that I have noticed about JBJ is that they always take customer feedback and do something with it. They added a second pump to the system so there is a pump on each return instead of one pump powering both returns 532 GPH total. I will check it out and see if it needs more circulation and if it does I will add a Koralia power head to help with the circulation. They have also added a section for the protein skimmer to be housed out of sight as well as a 3 chamber mechanical filtration area one for the sponge, one for the ceramic bio things, and one for carbon or LR or chaeto etc. You can order a small LED light for the back area so you can do a refugium if you would like as well.
awesome, so u might be good on flow... everything in back sounds good, but one thing i would do it take out stock sponge, rings and carbon. and replace with filter floss, chemipure elite and purgen and you be set. ran that for years, never had any problems at all
here a lil rack i made for them in my 1st chamber( note: mine 24gallon nano)

also here my build thread, it kinda long and boring lol, but some good info


Active Member
Small tanks require more frequent water changes as compared too a larger tank, (55+)
Just to be safe I would do 20% every 2 weeks.