28 Gallon JBJ HQI or LED?


Well-Known Member
on my 10 gal and 36gal i do once every week and a half and the new 75gal i just got....Hasnt been set up yet but ill prob have to do it every month at least!
U gonna post some pics when u get this up and goin wargasm?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 http:///forum/thread/386042/28g-jbj-hqi-or-28-gal-jbj-led/20#post_3389680
larger tanks u can get away with that.. nanos need to be at least once a week IMO
My 24 does fine with every month changes...... but I agree with NaNo on the weekly changes for a nano because when I did my weekly Sunday changes I had amazing growth out of it. So in an ideal world, if the time is found I would go with the recommendation of 1 week too, but as often as possible works too.


Recieved the tank and stand today from JBJ they forgot to send me my free protein skimmer grrrr. Their customer service is horrible BTW. I will post pics tomorrow. I emailed the company so hopefully they will send me my skimmer damn it!


Well-Known Member
WOW thats really kool! Has more LEDs than i thought it would... are u totally new to this hobby?


No I have been doing it off and on for the 8 years or so. I will have some questions because I am relatively new to the nano thing. Also this is JBJs pro version 89 watts of LED lights they advertise that it produces just about the same PAR as their MH lighting. So we will see. Most people have said that I can keep anything in this tank as far as lighting goes so I hope it works out.


Well-Known Member
o okay right on! Well you most deff should be able to keep anything. I bet it has a really good shimmer too!


Active Member
very nice tank man, so what are you plans for this? what fish? and what corals you looking to get?
cant wait to see some rock n sand lol


Ask and ye shall receive. I added 35 Lbs of rock BTW it was 1.85 a LB locally here in San Diego. 25 LBS of sand and a Koralia Nano Pump for more circulation. Now circulation is about 1200 GPH. I love this tank. These pics are from my iPhone so they do it no justice and it is still a little cloudy.