29 and under


New Member
hi michelle
thanks for the info on your tank. what does dsb and 17 watt no's stand for? new to salt and learning everyday.love the tank !its a inspiration!!
thanks todd.


yeap. 2 tangs. 1 powder brown and the other is yellow tang. I am getting my mom's old 58 gal once i set up her 125 gal and will transfer all powder brown to my 58 gal.


The DSB stands for Deep Sand Bed and the two 17 w NO's means I have two light bulbs that are each 17 watt Normal Output bulbs. I understand it's tough to learn the shorthand versions! I had quite a time when I first joined the saltwater world too!

Originally posted by Catera
is that two tangs in a 38!! :(

I was looking for the PHOTOGRAPHY section. I guess I ended up in the sarcastic criticism section. Oops. :rolleyes:
Anyway, back to the SUBJECT... new aquascaping. Or shall I say, drunk aquascaping! I was drunk, honestly.


New Member
hi michelle
thanks for clearing things up.what kind of sand do you have in the tank? live sand with something else mixed in?
thanks again todd

bang guy


Originally posted by chevytrks
right after the daylight went out, this ones for you BangGuy

Kewl! Thank you.


We have about 30 lbs of plain aragonite sand with about 15 lbs of live sand that was layered on top. We had crushed coral before, but after having nitrate problems we switched to sand. It works so much better!