29 Biocube--A Work in Process



Oh, poor baby. So do you think the emerald is responsible or that the little guy might have been sick and then the emerald took it from there? I have an emerald but no fish as yet so now I'm wondering how he'll do. It seems like most people have said they've had no problems with them bothering any of their tank mates, just curious. Sorry you had to start your day out with that!


I don't blame the crab for the goby's death, I just caught him cleaning up after it.
Thank you, everyone, for your condolences.


My male clownfish, Magellan (named for his penchant for exploring the filter compartments in my biocube), has taken to hosting with my candy canes, but he'll only do it in the morning before the lights come on, and he still sleeps with the female in the back corner of the tank. I think he's a little embarrassed that he doesn't have an anemone, but wants so desperately to host with something that he's become a "closet hoster"! So, at the risk of "outing" him, I'm posting a pic. C'mon, Magellan, host out in the open--you're so stinkin' cute in the candy canes!


Or should I say "red-clawed"?
My snail population has been declining at a rate of one every week or two and I haven't been able to figure out why. Yesterday morning I was observing my tank with just the moonlights on, and I noticed my emerald crab perched on an overturned snail shell. He sat still for a while trying not to be noticed, then he went back to picking at the snail. That little s**t had been killing my snails!
Kinda makes me wonder if he killed my goby and my fire shrimp, and wasn't just scavenging the dead bodies like I had previously thought. I got out the net and cornered him against a rock, then plopped him into a ziploc baggie.
I then left my own little Hannibal Lecter in the baggie to think about what he had done for a while.

This afternoon I took him to LFS and told him what he had been up to. They said they'd take him and put him into a tank with no snails. I thought "Great! He won't be killing any more snails!" He was then dropped into a tank with a few fish. Within a few seconds a puffer noticed him and made a meal out of him.
Wow. I wish I hadn't seen that.


New Member
Sorry to read about your loss. I have been reading and enjoying this thread and I am about to start my own biocube (convincing wife phase almost complete


Originally Posted by JoseD
Sorry to read about your loss. I have been reading and enjoying this thread and I am about to start my own biocube (convincing wife phase almost complete
Thanks Jose. Good luck getting yours up and running. Can't wait to see pics of it!


Active Member
That's to bad about your emerald grab. Your tank is looking nice and that's a cute picture of your male clown.