29 Biocube--A Work in Process


It's just stock lighting. I had both sets of lights (pc's and actinics) on when those pics were taken. I'm not sure about lighting upgrades; I haven't really looked into it too much. When it comes time to change the bulbs, I'm going to see if there's a higher wattage available in that size bulb.


Originally Posted by REEFCRAZY81
edited out**
Sorry, I don't do chat. But I'm always happy to talk tanks here! :happyfish


Originally Posted by REEFCRAZY81
thats cool i was wondering where did u get your frags from lfs or online
If I got your email address right, then you have mail.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Cool thank you. Something I am considering for the future.
I'll let you know what I find out.


I got a beautiful heliofungia (long-tentacled plate coral) last week that may end up being returned. I put him on the sand bed and he seemed happy for a couple of days--his tentacles were all extended, he'd expand, and he demonstrated that he was a big fan of mysis shrimp. Then my twinspot goby discovered him. My cute little goby feels that it is his duty in life to burrow underneath anything that is on the sand. I knew that he'd burrow under any rock that he could, but I didn't think he'd dig under a living critter! I guess it doesn't really matter to him--he's an equal opportunity burrower. So I filled in the burrow, but the coral seems to be a little bent out of shape about the whole ordeal. About half of his tentacles are deflated and partially retracted. He looks really, really pitiful, but he's not ticked off enough to not eat, so I think he'll be fine. But, if I don't move him out of there, it's going to be an ongoing battle between me and the goby for the coral's right to be there, and I'll probably lose!


Active Member
Hmmmmm sounds like somebody needs a time out.

Hope everything works out and you still get to keep your coral. I havent had the privelage of dealing with scenario like that yet but I can only imagine how frustrating it can get.


I did end up getting rid of my heliofungia. He is now residing in a goby-less tank. I'm sure he's happier now.
I got a blue-spotted sea hare to get rid of my macro algae/hair algae problem. Two days later I ended up with a dead sea hare problem. Fortunately I got him out before I started having any ammonia issues. My lfs is great, they have a 7 day policy, so I took in the corpse and a water sample in, and they're giving me a new one. Hopefully this one will live long enought to put a dent in the algae population.
Anyway, here's a pic of the heliofungia. Isn't he pretty?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Airforceman
If i missed it somewhere please point it out but how did you cycle your tank so fast? Bio Spira?

Thats how i did mine, biospira put 2 fish in within the first 24 hours.
Cool looking coral AZ :joy:


Originally Posted by Airforceman
If i missed it somewhere please point it out but how did you cycle your tank so fast? Bio Spira?
I bought cured live rock locally from lfs, so my tank didn't really go through a big, huge, long cycle.


I came home from work today and couldn't find my twinspot goby. Within a few minutes I located my emerald crab hiding behind a rock with my goby's head. It's been several hours and he's still holding onto it for dear life. The rest of my goby's body is still missing.

Rest in peace, my dear little Hummer.


Active Member
OH NO! I was wondering how your tank was coming along, not what I was wanting to hear. So sorry for your loss.

My frags are doing well. My purple zoos have three new polyps and at least two on my backdraft zoos. My Nean are also doing well with at least four new polyps.
You should check out my diary, I finally have doors on my stand.


Found part of the goby's little body this morning.
Fishing dead stuff out of my tank is not a good way to start my morning.
I have been dealing with all sorts of macro algae in my tank, likely due to having my lights on for 14-15 hours per day (I work 12 hours a day and I like to see my tank), and overfeeding (I fed twice a day and made sure my goby had plenty to eat so he wouldn't starve). So, now with the goby gone, I'm putting my clowns on a once-a-day feeding schedule, and I'm putting all my lights on a timer so they'll come on long after I've left for work and they'll go off a few hours after I've come home. I've also been using PhosBan to help with my algae war. The emerald crab hasn't been as helpful as I'd hoped--I've seen him bypass my bubble algae in favor of my coralline algae.
I think he's defective. And since he's been gorging himself on goby, he'll probably be useless for a while.