29 biocube Predator Fish?


Hey nano-newb was wondering if you kept the stock lighting and it comes with a skimmer right? What else does the Nano cube come with?


Active Member
no. the nano doesnt come with a skimmer. the only one that comes with a skimmer is the 28g nano hqi. i think the 29g is better. more space and better lights! and i think he did. and you dont really need a skimmer. as long as you do the proper water changes your good


Active Member
I dont think the frogfish will touch hermits and snails, maybe shrimp and non-shelled crabs. Many need live food but you should be able to wean it onto frozen, hopefully.


Active Member
Angler definately won't eat snails or hermits.
Cal, do you have means of getting him live food easily if he doesn't convert to frozen... like shrimp?


What kind of live foods? Will my lfs have them? and if they do then yeah i will give him live foods...whatever he/she wants...lol